International Mobility Unit

The International Mobility Unit manages incoming&outgoing exchange programmes centrally, working in close cooperation with other PoliTO offices. Such exchange programmes range from those in the frame of the Erasmus Programme, to those in the frame of special projects and bilateral agreements with higher education institutions both in Europe and overseas. 

Help desk


Open access, the office is in the Main Campus - Cittadella Politecnica – Ground floor.
The entrance is located in Corso Castelfidardo, 39 - 10129 Torino - left side, down the hall.   

Opening Time: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am to 12:30 pm 


Upon reservation, to be agreed through the ticketing service.  

Availability: from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm 

  • Incoming students: Ticket -> Mobilità in entrata -> Mobilità in entrata - Informazioni Generali -> Sportello Virtuale -> contatta l’Help Desk. 
  • Outgoing PoliTo students: select the proper topic related to “Outgoing Mobility” and open a ticket asking for a meeting. Do not forget to mention the main topic you need assistance for.  

Check the FAQs linked to the topics “INCOMING MOBILITY” (incoming students) and “OUTGOING MOBILITY” (outgoing students). If you need further information contact us.