Requirements for students from Politecnico di Torino

immagine regole di accesso

Below are the rules for enrolment in the Master's degree programme in Landscape architecture for applicants coming from Politecnico di Torino.


Once the curricular requirements have been met, the methods for verifying the adequacy of personal preparation are as follows:

Verification of weighted average marks
Admission test (interview)

1. Verification of weighted average marks

Candidates for whom the weighted average (2) of the examinations is greater than or equal to 24/30 regardless of the number of years taken to obtain the qualification are eligible, without the need to pass the admission interview, after having submitted their application via the Apply procedure.

The weighted average is calculated on all credits with a grade in thirtieths acquired and useful for obtaining the degree without any rounding.

In the case of career shortening, the calculation of years must be increased in proportion to the number of CFUs validated (10-60 CFUs =1 year, etc.).

(1) the last useful session for meeting the average requirement is the December graduation session.

(2) the weighted average is obtained by summing (grades x credits) / sum of credits.

2. Admission test (interview)

Nel caso in cui l’adeguatezza della personale preparazione non risulti soddisfatta mediante la verifica della media ponderata, come sopra descritta, è previsto un colloquio di ammissione. 

L'esito del colloquio di ammissione sarà reso noto nella pagina personale della procedura APPLY.

In the event that personal suitability is not met by means of the weighted average test, as described above, an admission interview is scheduled. 

The outcome of the admission interview will be announced on the personal page of the APPLY procedure.

Considering that you can submit your application for admission to a Master's degree programme after having earned 140 credits and that the average and duration requirements could change by the time you actually earn your Bachelor's degree, you have the possibility to take the interview for a merit-based evaluation in order to fulfill the academic performance requirements. You can do so even if you are eligible for direct admission on the date of application submission.

Politecnico gives you tthis opportunity so that you have an additional chance to be admitted if your average grade decreases or your time to graduation increases.


Those who have obtained eligibility and do not proceed with enrolment for a Master's degree in the academic year for which they have applied for admission, must re-apply through the Apply procedure for access in subsequent academic years and, if necessary, take the admission test again.


Possession of the curricular requirements for admission to the Course of Study is automatically verified for those who hold a Bachelor's degree or Master's degree from courses in the following degree classes:

D.M. 270/04:
L-17, Scienze dell'architettura;
L-21, Scienze della pianificazione territoriale, urbanistica, paesaggistica e ambientale;
L-23 Scienze e tecniche dell'edilizia;
L-25 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali,
LM‐4 Architettura e ingegneria edile.

D.M. 509/99:
Classe 4, Scienze dell'architettura e dell'ingegneria edile;
Classe 7 Urbanistica e scienze della pianificazione territoriale e ambientale;
Classe 20 Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Agroalimentari e Forestali.

Fulfilment of the curricular requirements for access to the Course of Study is also automatically verified for those who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in other degree classes in Italy or abroad provided that they have acquired at least 45 CFUs in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors:

AGR/02 – Agronomia e coltivazioni erbacee
AGR/03 – Arboricoltura generale e coltivazioni arboree
AGR/04 – Orticoltura e floricoltura
AGR/05 – Assestamento forestale e selvicoltura
AGR/08 – Idraulica agraria e sistemazioni idraulico-forestali
AGR/09 – Meccanica agraria
AGR/10 – Costruzioni rurali e territorio agroforestale
AGR/11 – Entomologia generale e applicata
AGR/12 – Patologia Vegetale
AGR/13 – Chimica agraria
AGR/14 – Pedologia
BIO/03  – Botanica ambientale e applicata
BIO/07  – Ecologia
GEO/04 – Geografia fisica e geomorfologia
GEO/05 – Geologia applicata
ICAR/06 – Topografia e cartografia
ICAR/07 – Geotecnica
ICAR/12 – Tecnologia dell'architettura
ICAR/14 – Composizione architettonica e urbana
ICAR/15 – Architettura del paesaggio
ICAR/17 – Disegno e rappresentazione
ICAR/18 – Storia dell’architettura
ICAR/20 – Tecnica urbanistica
ICAR/21 – Pianificazione urbanistica
INF/01 – Informatica
ING-INF/05 – Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni

Within the limit of 10 cfu the Course Coordinator may deem the curricular requirement to have been met with the indication of any tied courses; if the number of missing credits is greater than 10 cfu the assessment will be subject to final approval by the Course Coordinator or Vice-Coordinator.

Any curricular integrations identified by the evaluator must be filled prior to enrolment in the Master's degree programme.

In order to make up the curricular integration, in the event that it is less than or equal to 60 credits, students must enrol in the in Single course enrolment for unfulfilled curricular requirements and subsequently attend the courses and sit the relative exams; this enrolment may only include in the annual personal study plan the courses assigned by the evaluator as an unfulfilled academic requirement.

Passing the admission test (interview) will allow, exclusively for those who have to complete the curricular integration, access also to the academic year following the one for which the admission test was taken (in any case after passing the exams relating to the curricular integration).

If you are a Bachelor’s student at Politecnico di Torino and you are going to graduate after the September 2023 graduation period (December 2023 or February 2024), it is possible to include courses in the annual personal study plan of the 1st semester of the 1st year of the Master's degree programme through the credit advancement procedure if the following requirements are met:

  • entry requirements for the chosen Master's degree programme (curricular requirements, suitability of personal preparation);
  • maximum debt of 23 credits including English language exam and final exam (even if already included in the annual perosnal study plan of previous years) in order to obtain a Bachelor's degree at the end of the autumn exam session (September) having maintained the average required for access to Master's degree courses or having passed the merit assessment/admission test/interview.

Please note:

  • it is only possible to anticipate teachings once during the three-year degree course. Once anticipated, the Master's degree courses will remain in the teaching load until the three-year degree is awarded, but it will not be possible to add new courses to be advanced; 
  • early tuition (attended but not passed and/or passed and registered) will be reversed to the career of the chosen Master's degree programme;
  • courses in the second semester cannot be advanced;
  • if the English language is passed during the autumn session (September IELTS session), the relevant credits will not count towards the 23 CFU debt;
  • any internship, if it was included in the Annual Personal Study Plan of the academic year preceding the one for which you are applying, will not fall within the ceiling of 23 unearned credits, provided that the internship is registered in your trasncript by 31st December.
  • Those who have made the advance application in the annual personal study plan, but at the end of the September examination session will have a debt of more than 23 credits or will lose their average requirement, will have these courses removed from the annual personal study plan. For admission to the new academic year, if the average requirement is not met, it will be necessary to reapply and wait for the committee's assessment.
  • Those who advanced some of your Master’s courses but you do not earn your Bachelor’s degree by the end of the February/March graduation period, you will be able to take these exams in the Summer and Fall examination sessions (since these courses will not be deleted from your APSP).


  • Send the application for admission to the Master's degree via the Apply@polito platform by the deadline;
  • Wait for the positive evaluation for admission to the selected Master's degree programme;
  • log into the "Create your personal study plan/Annual personal study plan"  portlet on the personal page: the Master's degree programmes to be advanced will appear in the list of exams that can be included in the annual personal study plan, marked in violet (in the personal study plan the courses will not be present) and must be included in the annual personal study plan by the deadline.

For information regarding the creation of the personal study plan/annual personal study plan, please refer to the "Create your APSP" section of the A.A. 2023/24 Student Guide.

Once a positive assessment has been obtained, those who do not proceed with the advancement of the Master's degree courses in the academic year for which they have applied for admission must re-apply through the Apply@polito platform for admission in following academic years.

PLEASE NOTE: Having anticipated the Master's degree courses does NOT mean that you will automatically be enrolled in the course once you have obtained your first-level degree: enrolment must be completed from the Apply@polito platform's EVALUATIONS section by respecting the deadlines (see deadlines section).

Commissions for the evaluation of personal preparation for admission to the Master's degree courses offered by the Collegio di Architettura' are appointed by Rector's decree.    

Those with disabilities and those with specific learning disorders (DSA) may request appropriate support by contacting the staff of the Special Needs Unit, which manages student support services (

Should the need to complete curricular integrations be identified, for the purposes of enrolment, any suitability acquired after passing the admission test shall be kept until the following academic year.

All those who have obtained eligibility, whose need for curricular integrations has not been identified, and who do not proceed with enrolment or with the advancement of the Master's degree courses in the academic year for which they have applied, will have to re-apply through the Apply procedure and, if necessary, take the admission test again for access in following academic years.

The results of the admission tests will be published on the Apply personal page in the "Evaluations" section.

Admission test

In the event that the average requirement is not met, there will be an interview with a specially appointed committee that will decide on the possibility of admission. The interview will focus on the following fields of knowledge

- landscape architecture, with particular reference to the design of urban open space
- landscape history and culture;
- plant ecology.

Place, date and time of the test are published in the deadlines section.

The outcome of the test will be announced by the deadline indicated in the deadlines section.