Ranking for Admissions to the Bachelor's Degree Programmes A.Y. 2024/25

🔔As indicated in the Rector's decree no. 1202/24 of 22/10/2024, and as indicated in the Call for applications for admissions of Bachelor’s degree programmes of the Engineering area, Design and Communication, Territorial, urban, environmental and landscape planning course, Architettura - Architecture and Profesisonal Bachelor's degree programme in Industrial Manufactoring Technologies- a.y. 2024/2025, the ranking lists are closed.

Enrolment in Bachelor's degree programmes in Engineering Courses

The ranking list dated 3 September 2024 for admissions to the Profesisonal Bachelor's degree programme in Industrial Manufactoring Technologies has been cancelled with Rector's decree no. 971/2024 (available on the University Online Newsboard). It has been replaced by a new ranking list dated 10 September 2024 which has been made public with the same Rector's decree.
Ranking list EU/equivalent applicants as per Rector's Decree no. 947 of 03/09/2024