Borse a tematica vincolata di "Ingegneria Informatica e dei Sistemi"

Terza sessione

Nell'ambito della terza sessione del 39° ciclo, sono disponibili le seguenti borse a tematica vincolata per il corso di dottorato "Ingegneria Informatica e dei Sistemi":

  1. DAUIN - Designing User Interfaces that Promote Digital Wellbeing
  2. DAUIN - Improving End-to-End Testing of Web and Mobile Apps through Gamification
  3. ENI Young Talent Award - Enhancing Agricultural Resilience: Deep Learning-Based Plant Disease Detection and Prediction - Posizione riservata a candidati che abbiano partecipato alla selezione nell’ambito del concorso “Debut in Research: Young Talents from Africa” dell’anno 2023

Seconda sessione

Nell'ambito della seconda sessione del 39° ciclo, sono disponibili le seguenti borse a tematica vincolata per il corso di dottorato "Ingegneria Informatica e dei Sistemi":

  1. COMITATO ICT - Quantum Computing applications to Cybersecurity and related algorithms
  2. MUR DM 117/Aruba - Next Generation Software for Datacenter Networking
  3. MUR DM 117/Stellantis - Use of collective and collaborative perception for automated driving at L4+ level
  4. MURDM 117/Stellantis -Novel algorithms and synthetic dataset creation for face & body pose recognition in the wild applied in cockpit emergency access
  5. MUR DM 117/Stellantis - Innovative Automated Driving functional architecture based on APF/MPC approaches for new sustainable mobility systems
  6. MUR DM 117/Stellantis - ML4VECA: Machine Learning for in-VEhicle Context Awareness
  7. MUR DM 117/Stellantis - A global multi-objective approach to trip optimization and optimal propulsion system management in battery electric vehicles
  8. PNRR - Optimizing Compilers for the Deployment of Complex Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Devices
  9. MUR DM 118 - Reliability and security of AI-based systems
  10. MUR DM 117/STMicroelectronics - Design Automation for Mixed-Signal Heterogeneous Systems
  11. MUR DM 117/STMicroelectronics - Design techniques for low-area digital circuits in industrial and medical applications based on machine learning
  12. MUR DM 117/STMicroelectronics - Innovative techniques to improve the reliability of embedded and HPC systems
  13. MUR DM 117/STMicroelectronics - Measurements in optical spectrometry for the evaluation of vital parameters
  14. MUR DM 117/STMicroelectronics - Tecniche di Testing and Diagnosis per assicurare l'affidabilità di dispositivi automotive
  15. CNR/IEIIT - Advanced communication technologies for automation
  16. PNRR - Design of Tools for exploiting heterogeneous fog computing systems
  17. MUR DM 117/SAT - Non-invasive and low-cost solutions for health monitoring during sleep
  18. MUR DM 117/SAT - Non-invasive and low-cost solutions for health monitoring of new-borns
  19. MUR DM 118 - Advanced Deep Learning Optimization for Extreme Edge Applications
  20. MUR DM 117/Italdesign - Design of an integrated system for testing headlamp optical functionalities
  21. MUR DM 117/Italdesign - Software-Defined Vehicle
  22. MUR DM 117/Huawei - Latency-Optimized Inference for Large Language Models
  23. DAUIN - Secure and trusted network channels
  24. DAUIN - Safe and trustworthy AI
  25. DAUIN - REASE: REsilient computing Architecture in the Space quantum communication Era
  26. PNRR - Cloud continuum machine learning
  27. Assessment Tasks and Virtual Exergames for Rehabilitation and Remote Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease
  28. AI for new generation manufacturing systems
  29. MUR DM 118 - Solutions to support the Public Administration in developing and certifying V2X safety and security