Borse a tematica vincolata di "Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale"

Seconda Sessione Bis

Nell'ambito della seconda sessione Bis del 39° ciclo, sono disponibili le seguenti borse a tematica vincolata per il corso di dottorato  "Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale":

  1. MUR DM 118 - Low-impact environmental envelope for energy renovation and seismic protection of buildings
  2. MUR DM 117/CDM Dolmen - L’applicazione dei Criteri Ambientali Minimi nel contesto della sicurezza strutturale
  3. MUR DM 117/C.V.A. - Sustainable management of water resources through multi-objective design of large water schemes
  4. MUR DM 117/Masera - Bridge parametric design
  5. MUR DM 117/Masera - Damage evaluation of supporting bearings behavior in bridges and viaducts
  6. MUR DM 117/Stellantis - Chemo-Mechanical effects of CO2 sequestration on aquifer rocks
  7. MUR DM 117/TELT - Link between water resource dynamics and climate change in the Alpine area
  8. MUR DM 118 - EarthCARE Doppler radar products: from validation to process studies
  9. MUR DM 118 - Restoration of urban fluvial corridors
  10. PNRR - Biological methane production from hydrogen and carbon dioxide
  11. PNRR Ammin/Intecno - Gestione Attiva e multi-obiettivo di invasi Artificiali e Risorsa IDrica
  12. MUR DM 118 - Environmental monitoring and impact assessment of offshore renewable energy systems
  13. MUR DM 117/ENI - Optimization of technologies related to planar photobioreactor for the production of microalgal biomass and post processing
  14. MUR DM 117/ENI - Optimization of technologies related to planar photobioreactor for the production of microalgal biomass for environmental and energy purpose

Seconda sessione

Nell'ambito della seconda sessione del 39° ciclo, sono disponibili le seguenti borse a tematica vincolata per il corso di dottorato  "Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale":

  1. OGS/CNR/DIATI - Development of a low-resolution version of the EC-Earth global climate
  2. DIATI - Water reuse with innovative membrane-based technologies
  3. PNRR - Micro e Nanoremediation
  4. ATENEO - Mechanics of materials
  5. ATENEO - Geotecnica
  6. ATENEO - Geophysical characterization of natural hazards and exposed infrastructures
  7. ATENEO - Hydraulic Engineering
  8. ATENEO - Design and optimization of innovative retrofitting systems for existing buildings
  9. ATENEO - Infrastructures, transport systems and civil works
  10. MUR DM 118 - Environmental monitoring and impact assessment of offshore renewable energy systems
  11. MUR DM 118 - Definition of the graphic and alphanumeric contents of a Digital Twin of road infrastructures with new Project Management strategies
  12. MUR DM 118 - Rehabilitation and seismic upgrading of architectures with sustainable systems in the wood supply chain
  13. MUR DM 117/CVA - Sustainable management of water resources through multi-objective design of large water schemes
  14. DISEG - Improving the resilience of large scale communities using innovative structural health monitoring solutions
  15. Arpa Piemonte - Verification of weather-climate modelling
  16. DIATI - Infrastructures, transport systems and civil works
  17. DIATI - Applied Environmental Engineering
  18. PNRR - Biological methane production from hydrogen and carbon dioxide
  19. MUR DM 117/Stellantis - Chemo-Mechanical effects of CO2 sequestration on aquifer rocks
  20. MUR DM 118 - Air pollutants measurement and assessment systems, focused on the urban FP and UFP analysis
  21. MUR DM 117/Digisky - Geomatics analysis techniques for monitoring road corridors and interfering hydrogeological instability phenomena
  22. MUR DM 117/Masera - Bridge parametric design
  23. MUR DM 117/Masera - Damage evaluation of supporting bearings behavior in bridges and viaducts
  24. MUR DM 117/LPM - Innovative materials and technological processes for a sustainable and digital development of the precast concrete industry
  25. MUR DM 118 - Restoration of urban fluvial corridors
  26. DIATI/CNR-IRPI - Fluvial Ecomorphodynamics
  27. DIATI - Infrastructures, transport systems and civil works
  28. DISEG - Analysis of the behavior of complex masonry systems subject to seismic actions
  29. DIATI - Applied Environmental Engineering
  30. MUR DM 118 - Governance tools for managing and monitoring the sustainable use of surface water resources
  31. MUR DM 118 - Geophysical monitoring of landslides and melting-related natural hazards in high-mountain or permafrost regions
  32. OGS/DIATI - Numerical simulation of pattern formation and complex networks for climate studies
  33. MUR DM 118 - EarthCARE Doppler radar products: from validation to process studies
  34. PNRR Ammin/WSP Italia - Development of machine learning-based methods for the development of climate services
  35. MUR DM 117/TELT - Link between water resource dynamics and climate change in the Alpine area
  36. PNRR Ammin/Intecno - Gestione Attiva e multi-obiettivo di invasi Artificiali e Risorsa IDrica
  37. DISEG - Ageing and degradation in the performances of concrete structures
  38. MUR DM 117/AI Engineering - BIM, VPL and VR for projects of infrastructures starting from the contents of FM