
OK!CLIMATE Project - The climate can be touched by hand

The OK!CLIMA - Il clima si tocca con mano project aims to help improve communication about climate change and ecological transition. Conceived by Climate Media Center Italia and supported by Fondazione Cariplo, Ok!Clima is a training and research project led by University of Milan, University of Pavia and Italian Climate Network, in collaboration with the journal Scienza in rete and the publishing agency Zadig Srl Società Benefit. The Ok!Clima training course aimed at researchers and technicians working in the environmental field and science communicators is free of charge, and consists of 30-minute training modules accessible from the Saepe distance learning platform. The classes can be conducted in different sessions by connecting at different times. A certificate of attendance will be issued upon completion of the course.
  • The first course, RECONCERNING THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE TERRITORY, consists of No. 6 modules and is developed in collaboration with experts from the National System for Environmental Protection network (SNPA, ISPRA, ARPA). The link to register is available here.
  • The second course, CLIMATE RISK COMMUNICATION, is structured in no.2 modules. The link to enroll can be found here.

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