MaaS - Mobility as a Service


MaaS, an acronym for Mobility as a Service, is an innovative mobility management model that integrates various public and private transport services into a single digital platform aimed at future mobility needs.

This solution allows users to organize their trips using different modes of transportation, such as trains, subways, buses, car and bike sharing, taxis, parking for private cars, and even charging stations, all through a single application. In this way, it’s possible to plan, book, and pay for multiple services based on personal needs, offering a multimodal, flexible, and better-integrated travel experience.

The City of Turin, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino, has launched a MaaS pilot program.

The pilot is currently available to all citizens who live, study, or work in Turin. The Politecnico di Torino has a dedicated version of the pilot for its employees, called MaaS Corporate, which offers participants a range of economic benefits for trips taken using this integrated transport system (MaaS), including those during their free time.


In the context of the development of MaaS in Italy, called MaaS4Italy, the City of Turin has been selected as one of the six regional capitals for the local pilot experiment; similarly, the Piedmont Region was chosen as one of the seven selected among regions and autonomous provinces.

In collaboration with the publicly-owned company "5T," Turin has launched the pilot by identifying two use cases: MaaS for private citizens and MaaS for companies or organizations. The MaaS Operators who will provide the services were selected through a public procedure.

The project is funded with resources from the Complementary Fund to the PNRR as part of the national program promoted in collaboration between the Department for Digital Transformation (DTD) of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT). This project is part of the broader "Digital Italy 2026" strategy.

Politecnico di Torino and MaaS Corporate

The Politecnico di Torino is actively involved in the MaaS4Italy project through the pilot of Corporate MaaS, the MaaS dedicated to the corporate and academic sectors, promoted by the City of Turin. The Politecnico is the first and only university participating in this experiment, along with three other companies in the metropolitan area with over 100 employees: Banca Patrimoni Sella & C., CNH Industrial Italia, and MICROTECNICA. The university is testing the available platforms for MaaS Corporate (Urbi, Wetaxi, and MoonyGo) with the voluntary participation of its employees.

Purpose and Benefits of the Initiative

The MaaS pilot aims to improve access to transport and complementary services through the use of digital platforms, offering users an increasingly agile, accessible, and modern mobility experience. Additionally, it seeks to meet diverse mobility needs, including private cars, and to promote the use of more sustainable means, thereby reducing dependence on individual motorized mobility and minimizing the negative impacts on road traffic.

In its Corporate version, the project provides access to aggregated data on user movements, useful for better understanding the mobility needs of staff. This information allows the University to more efficiently monitor home-to-campus commuting, improve campus accessibility, plan and optimize resources, and promote the adoption of more sustainable transport solutions, helping to reduce the overall environmental impact.

More generally, this important initiative aims for a city with smoother and safer daily mobility, reduced spatial and environmental impact from vehicle traffic, and more favorable conditions for interactions between people and their effective use of travel time.


We invite you to be part of the the project (will last until July 2025).

MaaS allows you to do many things - monitoring, booking, paying, being informed about the various services available to get around - but if you don't find what you are looking for, please do not give up, we will try to improve it, through this experimentation in progress.