
The University promotes a variety of initiatives to boost the Quality of Research, improve the potentials of its researchers and strengthen the internationalisation of the scientific community. These initiatives are made available on the University's website, which conveys the principles of the European Charter for Researchers within the university and the stakeholder community.

The Politecnico provides its researchers with a variety of information and educational tools on national, European and international funding opportunities; it also offers support in the design and management of projects, through dedicated administrative units, with a particular focus on supporting young researchers.

More and more often, those involved in research come across challenges of a particularly complex nature, the solution to which requires the organised contribution of several disciplines. For this reason, the University promotes interdisciplinary collaboration through the establishment and funding of Interdepartmental Centres.

In 2014, the Interdepartmental Laboratory for Technology Transfer (LabTT), was established to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between different technological and scientific areas of the University for the sake of technology transfer.

The Politecnico di Torino identifies the Open Access principles and tools as an opportunity for growth for the University’s research, with important spin-offs in education and in its broader cultural mission. PORTO@Iris is the open archive of the Politecnico di Torino, which collects the University's publications with full-text open access.

The Research database project is based within the context of the 2018-2024 Polito4Impact strategic plan, which includes among its objectives the creation of a database that allows for the rapid, efficient and transparent identification of skills within the University.

The aim is to bring together the information from the various University databases in a single consultation interface in order to gradually build up a research database that can be consulted using shared keywords in both Italian and English.