Strategy implementation and monitoring

The Politecnico di Torino has worked to create a close integration between strategic planning and quality assurance activities. The University Strategic Plan (in Italian Piano Strategico di Ateneo, PSA) was the basis for all planning actions and subsequent monitoring.  

Schema attuazione della strategia e monitoraggio
  • Piano Strategico di Ateneo (PSA): the document reflects the vision, mission, strategic directions of the current rector’s mandate, outlining specific objectives related to the Missions (Teaching, Research, Third Mission) and Quality;  
  • PSA Action Plan: a document for planning, monitoring and evaluating strategic objectives, drawn up on a three-year, annually rolling basis; 
  • Departmental Strategic Plans: documents containing the vision and mission of each department as well as the strategic lines and related objectives; 
  • The 24 Monitoring Indicators: a system for monitoring and recognising the contribution of the Departments to the implementation of the University's strategies. There are 24 indicators (3 for each of the 8 strategic areas of the PSA) which are periodically monitored and commented on by the Departments;
  • Mid Term Assessment: this document analyses the evolution of strategic planning after the review of the degree of achievement of the PSA objectives, conducted at the mid-term of the rector's term;
  • Action Plan monitoring: monitoring the implementation of the actions and projects envisaged in the Action Plan and the degree of achievement of the performance objectives with a view to integration into the PIAO-2023-2025 Integrated Business and Organisation Plan (in Italian Piano Integrato di Attività e Organizzazione, PIAO);
  • Monitoring of Interdepartmental Centres: periodic monitoring of the results of the Interdepartmental Centres and subsequent evaluation by the Evaluation Board, with the aim of highlighting critical issues and possible corrective actions in light of their reconfirmation;
  • Teaching, Research, Third Mission and PhD Report: self-evaluation documents reporting on the results achieved, the strengths and weaknesses found and the improvement actions planned in these areas;
  • Monitoring of Departmental Strategic Plans: the documents analyse the development of downstream strategic planning and the objective levels reached;
  • Dashboards: integrated dashboard system developed by CentroStudi4IMPACT@POLITO and by  PEPS Department - HR, Research and Development (in Italian Persone, Programmazione e Sviluppo, PEPS) to support the definition, implementation and monitoring activities of the Strategic Planning.

The publications dashboard is a tool designed to allow Politecnico di Torino Lecturers and Researchers to have visibility of their position in the Italian University System. The Publications Dashboard was created as part of the Development Plan of the Activities of the Research Centre and the PEPS Department. This innovative support makes it possible to analyse, through benchmarking with the national system, the phenomena related to scientific production and to disseminate the culture of self-assessment and a conscious use of bibliometry indicators.

The dashboards for students and doctoral students are divided into:

  • Student Population/Student Data Dashboard (TEACHING). It responds to the most frequent requests for data coming mainly from College Coordinators and addressed to the Study Centre and the PEPS Department. It is divided into several dynamic sections that can be filtered:
    • Time series;
    • Registered;
    • Enrolled;
    • Graduates;
    • Student results;
    • INTE Focus - Results of foreign students.
  • Study Course Attractiveness Dashboard (ANVUR). It allows benchmarking (ANVUR data) on the attractiveness of our degree and degree courses with other Italian universities, based on certain metrics:
    • Career starters;
    • Pure enrolled;
    • Registered;
    • Graduates;
  • PhD dashboard. This first version aims to provide an initial trend overview and is divided into several dynamic filterable sections:
    • Time series;
    • Registered;
    • Career starters;
    • PhD.