Good Practice (GP) is a project which the Politecnico di Torino has adopted since its first edition and in which a group of Universities, increasingly larger from year to year, compare notes on the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided to their users with the aim of pooling good practices and focusing on continuous quality improvement actions.
Launched on an experimental basis with 10 "forerunner" Universities in 1999, at the GP2022/2023 last edition the project held 48 state Universities, 6 non-state Universities and 5 High Schools. Service users are considered to be the student population and staff of the University: lecturers and researchers, research fellows, PhD students, technical, administrative and library staff.
A central component of the project is the annual survey and subsequent evaluation of the level of satisfaction of the student population and staff with the services they use on a daily basis and which are provided by each university. The periodic survey is more commonly known as the customer satisfaction survey.