Strategy and Monitoring of the Third Mission/Social Impact

Internal processes

Over the years, the University has built monitoring and funding programmes for the Third Mission/Social Impact initiatives.

  • 2021: co-financing of € 200,000 to Departments to reward outstanding achievements in Research and Third Mission.
  • 2022: funding of € 200,000 for the rewarding of Third Mission initiatives
  • 2023: funding of 1 ML€ for departmental mission incentives to enhance the inclinations of individual lecturers/researchers in terms quality of Teaching, Research and Third Mission/Social Impact.

External processes

The Single Annual Report for the Third Mission and Social Impact (SUA-TM/IS) is the tool that ANVUR used from 2014 to 2018 to collect information on both research exploitation activities (patents, spin-offs, third-party contracts and agreements, intermediaries) and the production of social and cultural public goods (public engagement, cultural heritage, continuing education, clinical trials).