Quality Assurance Unit

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As of 2014, the Quality Assurance Unit (in Italian Presidio della Qualità, PQA) is responsible for the University's Quality Assurance (QA) and the promotion of a culture of quality, applied to education, research and the third mission/social impact. The main tasks of the PQA are:

  • Support and supervise QA System processes and procedures;
  • Propose common QA tools and training activities;
  • Ensuring the flow of information to and from the Evaluation Board (in Italian Nucelo di Valutazione, NdV) and the Joint Committee on Teaching (in Italian Comitato Paritetico per la Didattica, CPD);
  • Collect and disseminate data for monitoring purposes;
  • Check ANVUR recommendations and conditions during Initial and Periodic Accreditation activities;
  • Draw up the Annual Report on the status of the QA System and related activities, the Guidelines and the Self-Assessment on the fulfilment of site requirements.

Quality Assurance Unit composition

The composition of the Quality Assurance Unit is being defined.


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