The Politecnico di Torino has been working for years to implement the principles of QA also at a departmental level. This has led to promoting the identification and monitoring, first at the University level and then at the departmental level, of strategic lines of action. The University has implemented the principles of QA in the field of research and the third mission by promoting, downstream of its own strategic planning, departmental planning as well, which, while consistent with the policies and guidelines of the University, has respected the autonomy and declined the specificities of each department. The departmental strategic planning process was completed at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020
Departmental Strategic Plans
Since 2019, all the departments of the Politecnico have been engaged in the process of drafting and monitoring their strategic objectives. Starting in 2019, the University has embarked on a process of monitoring the Departments' implementation of the University Strategic Plan. Annually, the Departments are asked to draw up a report consisting of 24 indicators, 3 for each of the 8 strategic areas of the University’s Strategic Plan.
ANVUR oversees the national public system of quality evaluation of Universities and Research Institutions. The Agency looks after the external evaluation of the quality of the activities of Universities and Research Institutions receiving public funding and assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of public funding and incentive programmes for research and innovation activities.
The Single Annual Departmental Research Report (SUA-RD) is part of the University's system of Self-Assessment, Periodic Evaluation and Accreditation (AVA).
The SUA-RD illustrates the organisational structure, the results of research and third mission activities and the quality policies of each Department.
The information contained in the fact sheet provides students, families, companies and public bodies with a picture of the expertise existing in university departments and their research activities, thus helping to make the collaboration between universities, research and civil society easier and more targeted.
The date of the new start of the survey is not available at the moment.