
Found 255 results

37th cycle

36th cycle

35th cycle

34th cycle

33rd cycle

32nd cycle

31st cycle

30th cycle

29th cycle

28th cycle

Samavati Mahrokh's picture

Samavati Mahrokh

Ph.D. obtained in 2018
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Design and analysis of solid oxide electrolysis-based systems for synthetic liquid fuels production
Tutors: Massimo Santarelli
Drago Davide's picture

Drago Davide

Ph.D. obtained in 2017
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: The sulfur issue in fuel cell based cogenerative systems
Tutors: Massimo Santarelli
Tong Yifei's picture

Tong Yifei

Ph.D. obtained in 2017
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Technologies for CO2 reductions in ICEs
Tutors: Mirko Baratta
Fuso Rocco's picture

Fuso Rocco

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Development of a stop & start sailing strategy on next generation powertrains
Tutors: Federico Millo
Pizzo Pietro's picture

Pizzo Pietro

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Sviluppo di modelli diagnostici e predittivi di sistemi idraulici validati mediante un innovativo misuratore di portata in alta pressione.
Tutors: Antonio Mittica
Ferrero Domenico's picture

Ferrero Domenico

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Progettazione, sviluppo e test di sistemi SOEC in ambito Power-to-Gas per la conversione e lo stoccaggio di fonti energetiche rinnovabili in metano sintetico
Tutors: Massimo Santarelli
Guelpa Elisa's picture

Guelpa Elisa

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Modeling strategies for multiple scenarios and fast simulations in large systems: applications to fire safety and energy engineering
Tutors: Vittorio Verda
Ventola Luigi's picture

Ventola Luigi

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: dispositivi per lo scambio termico ad elevata efficienza costruiti con tecniche di fabbricazione innovative
Tutors: Pietro Asinari
Testoni Raffaella's picture

Testoni Raffaella

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Modellazione del trasporto di radionuclidi nella falda acquifera e nel sottosuolo per studi di Safety Assessment
Tutors: Mario De Salve
Hadadian Arash's picture

Hadadian Arash

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: Energy harvesting based on magnetoelastic materials
Tutors: Mario Chiampi
Fu Lezhong's picture

Fu Lezhong

Ph.D. obtained in 2016
28th cycle (2013-2016)
Thesis: A control-oriented real-time semi-empirical model for the prediction of nox emission in diesel engines
Tutors: Antonio Mittica

27th cycle

Schulze Tobias's picture

Schulze Tobias

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
27th cycle (2012-2014)
Thesis: Natural ventilation of high-rise buildings, a methodology for planning with different analysis tools and case-study integration
Andreata Maurizio's picture

Andreata Maurizio

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
27th cycle (2012-2014)
Thesis: Studio sperimentale e numerico sul sistema di post-trattamento dei gas di scarico per un motore diesel
Tutors: Federico Millo
Bottero Marco's picture

Bottero Marco

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
27th cycle (2012-2014)
Thesis: Multi-scale modelling and simulation of ITS applications for energy optimisation in road traffic and transport systems
Tutors: Ezio Spessa, Bruno Dalla Chiara
Cerino Abdin Giulio's picture

Cerino Abdin Giulio

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
27th cycle (2012-2014)
Thesis: Modelli per la pianificazione locale di filiere energetiche da biomassa forestale
Tutors: Alberto Poggio
Noussan Michel's picture

Noussan Michel

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
27th cycle (2012-2014)
Thesis: Cogenerazione a biomassa legnosa in sistemi di teleriscaldamento: simulazione e analisi di esercizio.
Tutors: Alberto Poggio
Vigliani Elisa's picture

Vigliani Elisa

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
27th cycle (2012-2014)
Thesis: Energy efficiency measures in the industrial sector and their incentive mechanisms: cogeneration and heat recovery

26th cycle

Venditti Mattia's picture

Venditti Mattia

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Innovative Models and Algorithms for the Optimization of Layout and Control Strategy of Complex Diesel HEVs
Tutors: Ezio Spessa
Cammarano Silvia's picture

Cammarano Silvia

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Daylighting design for energy saving in a building global energy simulation context
Tutors: Chiara Aghemo
Barbarino Andrea's picture

Barbarino Andrea

Ph.D. obtained in 2014
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Metodi numerici per il calcolo neutronico di reattori nucleari
Tutors: Sandra Dulla
Bonifetto Roberto's picture

Bonifetto Roberto

Ph.D. obtained in 2014
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Modellazione termoidraulica applicata a sistemi nucleari a fusione e a fissione
Tutors: Laura Savoldi
Monni Grazia's picture

Monni Grazia

Ph.D. obtained in 2014
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Special Instrumentation for Two-Phase Flow
Tutors: Mario De Salve
Luisi Sabino's picture

Luisi Sabino

Ph.D. obtained in 2014
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Tutors: Federico Millo
Papurello Davide's picture

Papurello Davide

Ph.D. obtained in 2014
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Biogas from anaerobic digestion of biomass (Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste and sewage sludge): trace compounds characterization through an innovative technique (PTR-MS) and detrimental effects on SOFC energy generators, from single cells to short stacks.
Tutors: Massimo Santarelli
Salomov Uktam's picture

Salomov Uktam

Ph.D. obtained in 2014
26th cycle (2011-2013)
Thesis: Simulazione tridimensionale del deflusso di gas all¿interno di elettrodi porosi di celle a combustibile

25th cycle

Goia Francesco's picture

Goia Francesco

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Tutors: Marco Perino
Domalapally Phani Kumar's picture

Domalapally Phani Kumar

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Tutors: Roberto Zanino
Kholia Akshat's picture

Kholia Akshat

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: Thermal Hydraulic numerical analysis of fusion superconducting magnet systems
Tutors: Roberto Zanino
Altare Gabriele's picture

Altare Gabriele

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: Analisi e simulazione di circuiti idraulici per macchine movimento terra
Tutors: Nicola Nervegna
Delogu Enrico's picture

Delogu Enrico

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: A comprehensive CFD methodology for the simulation of spark ignited engines
Tutors: Federico Millo
Rapetto Nicola's picture

Rapetto Nicola

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: A comprehensive analysis of natural gas direct injection and of a mixture formation in spark ignition engines
Tutors: Andrea Catania
Vlachos Theodoros's picture

Vlachos Theodoros

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: Experimental investigation on performance and emissions of an automotive diesel engine fuelled with biofuels
Tutors: Federico Millo
Guerra Cosimo's picture

Guerra Cosimo

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: Experimental analysis of solid oxyde fuel cells under dry reforming of methane
Tutors: Massimo Santarelli
Kona Albana's picture

Kona Albana

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
25th cycle (2010-2012)
Thesis: Exergetic and thermoeconomic approach for optimal planning of district energy systems
Tutors: Michele Cali' Quaglia

24th cycle

Bayraktar Meltem's picture

Bayraktar Meltem

Ph.D. obtained in 2015
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: A methodology for energy optimization of buildings considering simultaneously building envelope HVAC and renewable system parameters
Orio Marina's picture

Orio Marina

Ph.D. obtained in 2013
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Fluidodinamica bifase in condotti elicoidali per applicazioni nucleari
Tutors: Mario De Salve
Delhomme Baptiste's picture

Delhomme Baptiste

Ph.D. obtained in 2012
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Couplage d'un réservoir d'hydrure de magnèsium avec une source externe de chaleur
Morra Edoardo Pietro's picture

Morra Edoardo Pietro

Ph.D. obtained in 2012
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: A comprehensive methodology for the optimization of the operating strategy of hybrid electric vehicles
Tutors: Ezio Spessa
Rolando Luciano's picture

Rolando Luciano

Ph.D. obtained in 2012
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: An innovative methodology for the development of HEVS energy management systems
Tutors: Federico Millo
Vezza Davide Simone's picture

Vezza Davide Simone

Ph.D. obtained in 2012
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Experimental investigation on different after-treatment technologies for the control of pollutant emissions from automotive Diesel engines
Tutors: Federico Millo
Alcaro Fabio's picture

Alcaro Fabio

Ph.D. obtained in 2012
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Quasi-static Methods in Neutron Transport
Tutors: Piero Ravetto
Di Rienzo Antonio Fabio's picture

Di Rienzo Antonio Fabio

Ph.D. obtained in 2012
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Mesoscopic numerical methods for reactive flows: lattice Boltzmann method and beyond
Tutors: Pietro Asinari
Zhou Bin's picture

Zhou Bin

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Simulation and Experimental Assessment of Non-uniform Fibrous Air Filter Performance
's picture

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
24th cycle (2009-2011)
Thesis: Future of distributed grid-connected PV in South Europe.

23rd cycle

Lanzini Andrea's picture

Lanzini Andrea

Ph.D. obtained in 2011
23rd cycle (2008-2010)
Thesis: Developing of Solid Oxides Fuel Cells Systems Running on Poly-Fuel Mixtures
Tutors: Michele Cali' Quaglia
Bonomi Rossana's picture

Bonomi Rossana

Ph.D. obtained in 2011
23rd cycle (2008-2010)
Tutors: Gianni Coppa

22nd cycle

Arpaia Antonio's picture

Arpaia Antonio

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
22nd cycle (2007-2009)
Thesis: Analisi numerico-sperimentale delle prestazioni di iniettori ad azionamento piezoelettrico e solenoidale per applicazioni Diesel Common Rail
Tutors: Andrea Catania
Pesce Francesco Concetto's picture

Pesce Francesco Concetto

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
22nd cycle (2007-2009)
Thesis: Sviluppo ed applicazione di modelli multidimensionali per la simulazione dello spray e della formazione della miscela in motori ad iniezione diretta di gas naturale
Tutors: Andrea Catania
Portoraro Armando's picture

Portoraro Armando

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
22nd cycle (2007-2009)
Thesis: Studio teorico-sperimentale di sistemi di trigenerazione di piccola taglia
Tutors: Marco Badami
Bonavigo Lucia's picture

Bonavigo Lucia

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
22nd cycle (2007-2009)
Thesis: Problemi di Radioprotezione nel Decommissioning di Impianti Nucleari
Tutors: Mario De Salve
Han Song's picture

Han Song

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
22nd cycle (2007-2009)
Thesis: Computational Methods for Multi-dimensional Neutron Diffusion Problems
Tutors: Piero Ravetto
Mulas Roberta's picture

Mulas Roberta

Ph.D. obtained in 2010
22nd cycle (2007-2009)
Thesis: Ion acceleration by means of interaction of laser beams
Tutors: Gianni Coppa

21st cycle

Finesso Roberto's picture

Finesso Roberto

Ph.D. obtained in 2009
21st cycle (2006-2008)
Thesis: Sviluppo ed applicazione di modelli multizona per l'analisi dei processi di combustione e formazione delle emissioni in motori Diesel automobilistici di tipo convenzionali e PCCI
Tutors: Andrea Catania
Mura Massimiliano's picture

Mura Massimiliano

Ph.D. obtained in 2009
21st cycle (2006-2008)
Thesis: Progettazione e valutazione delle prestazioni di un impianto innovativo di piccola taglia a ciclo combinato in assetto cogenerativo
Tutors: Marco Badami
Canepa Stefano's picture

Canepa Stefano

Ph.D. obtained in 2009
21st cycle (2006-2008)
Thesis: Nodal and boundary element methods in neutron transport for reactor core calculations.
Tutors: Piero Ravetto
Picca Paolo's picture

Picca Paolo

Ph.D. obtained in 2009
21st cycle (2006-2008)
Thesis: Application of the Boltzmann equation to the neutronics of nuclear reactors and to radiative transfer.
Tutors: Piero Ravetto

20th cycle

Mechri Houcem Eddine's picture

Mechri Houcem Eddine

Ph.D. obtained in 2009
20th cycle (2005-2007)
Thesis: Practical applications of uncertainty and sensitivity techniques in building energy analysis
Tutors: Vincenzo Corrado
Fabrizio Enrico's picture

Fabrizio Enrico

Ph.D. obtained in 2008
20th cycle (2005-2007)
Thesis: Modelling of multi-energy systems in buildings
Tutors: Marco Filippi
Zanghirella Fabio's picture

Zanghirella Fabio

Ph.D. obtained in 2008
20th cycle (2005-2007)
Thesis: Le prestazioni energetiche delle facciate trasparenti attive: metodi di analisi sperimentale e modellazione numerica. (Numerical and experimental analysis of active transparent facades).
Tutors: Marco Perino
Leone Pierluigi's picture

Leone Pierluigi

Ph.D. obtained in 2008
20th cycle (2005-2007)
Thesis: Experiments with Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in Laboratory and Industrial Environments
Tutors: Michele Cali' Quaglia
Pinzello Alberto's picture

Pinzello Alberto

Ph.D. obtained in 2008
20th cycle (2005-2007)
Thesis: Analysis of Fuel Sprays and Combustion Processes in Diesel Engines with a Combined Approach of CFD and Phenomenological Models
Tutors: Federico Millo

19th cycle

Degiorgis Luca's picture

Degiorgis Luca

Ph.D. obtained in 2009
19th cycle (2004-2006)
Thesis: A study of innovative energy systems: medium pressure hydrogen production technologies and large scale solar thermal plants.
Tutors: Giovanni Vincenzo Fracastoro
Gerboni Raffaella's picture

Gerboni Raffaella

Ph.D. obtained in 2007
19th cycle (2004-2006)
Thesis: Innovative energy scenarios: methods for a global evaluation.
Tutors: Evasio Lavagno
Prato Elisa's picture

Prato Elisa

Ph.D. obtained in 2007
19th cycle (2004-2006)
Thesis: Produzione e trasporto di idrogeno liquido come vettore energetico.
Tutors: Mario De Salve
Caristo Elena Albina Immacolata's picture

Caristo Elena Albina Immacolata

Ph.D. obtained in 2007
19th cycle (2004-2006)
Thesis: Calcolo della velocità di combustione turbolenta mediante un approccio frattale di tipo avanzato e sua applicazio0ne alla simulazione del ciclo indicato in motori ad accensione comandata alimentati a benzina e a gas naturale.
Tutors: Ezio Spessa

18th cycle

Gozzelino Paola's picture

Gozzelino Paola

Ph.D. obtained in 2007
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Radiometria dei litotipi orientata alla valutazione del rischio Radon.
Tutors: Mario De Salve
Casetti Andrea's picture

Casetti Andrea

Ph.D. obtained in 2006
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Analisi dei sistemi di cogenerazione distribuita
Tutors: Marco Badami
Giacone Elena's picture

Giacone Elena

Ph.D. obtained in 2006
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Ottimizzazione del processo di combustione in relazione al contenuto di acqua e al potere calorifico delle biomasse in una centrale di generazione di energia elettrica.
Tutors: Salvatore Manco'
Quirico Sergio's picture

Quirico Sergio

Ph.D. obtained in 2006
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Sviluppo di una tecnica di misura intrusiva di spray ad alte pressioni
Tutors: Claudio Dongiovanni
Benedetto Elena's picture

Benedetto Elena

Ph.D. obtained in 2006
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Emittance growth induced by electron cloud in proton storage rings
Tutors: Gianni Coppa
Giors Silvio's picture

Giors Silvio

Ph.D. obtained in 2006
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Test and Thermal -Fluyd-Dynamic Modeling of drag stages of turbomolecular vacuum pumps
Tutors: Roberto Zanino
Scaddozzo Giuseppe's picture

Scaddozzo Giuseppe

Ph.D. obtained in 2006
18th cycle (2003-2005)
Thesis: Heavy liquid metal technology: Chatacterization of materials and techniques for Accelerator Driven System applications
Tutors: Massimo Zucchetti

17th cycle

16th cycle

Ferrari Alessandro's picture

Ferrari Alessandro

Ph.D. obtained in 2004
16th cycle (2001-2003)
Thesis: Sviluppo di un modello per la simulazione dei transitori termofluidodinamici in apparati di iniezione ad alte pressioni. Messa a punto e strumentazione di un banco prova ad elevate prestazioni per sistemi di iniezione Diesel: primi risultati sulla dinamica dei sistemi Common Rail.
Tutors: Andrea Catania
Mallamo Fabio's picture

Mallamo Fabio

Ph.D. obtained in 2004
16th cycle (2001-2003)
Thesis: Ottimizzazione delle strategie di iniezione in motori Diesel Common Rail
Tutors: Federico Millo