Visiting professors at Politecnico

2024 Visiting professors

photo of prof. Solar

Start date - End date: 18 November 2024 - 20 December 2024
Institution of origin: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Switzerland
PoliTO receiving department: DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture
PoliTO coordinator: Isabella Bianco

Dr. Slavko Solar is a Mineral Resource Geologist who worked as an exploration geologist, Head of Department, consultant, policy adviser for the Slovenian government and industry on minerals, resource management and sustainability, besides he was coordinator of many projects and the Mining Public Service, all at the Geological Survey of Slovenia. Since 2012, before becoming Economic Affairs Officer at UNECE dealing with UNFC implementation in Europe in July 2021, he was a Secretary General of EuroGeoSurveys (September 2017- June 2021), a Senior Scientific Officer at DG Joint Research Centre (JRC) (November 2016/ August 2017), and a Seconded National Expert to DG GROW (October 2012 – September 2016). His experience as a senior expert with almost 40 years of experiences in mineral resources management and sustainable development started with his education, and later obtained with the professional work experience. His carrier's achievements include: (a) leading international minerals projects, (b) setting up a Public Mining Service in Slovenia, (c) coordination of 37 European Geological Surveys, including the preparation of jointed EU project, (d) experience in resource management and policy on EU level, and (e) coordination of the implementation of UN Framework Classification for Resources in European Union according to the latest EU level legislation. He has an extensive list of publications related to his expertise published in journals and conference proceedings.

foto prof. Grillot

Start date - End date: 14 October 2024 - 30 November 2024
Institution of origin: Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
PoliTO coordinator: Mariangela Gioannini

Frédéric Grillot è attualmente Full Professor presso Télécom Paris (France) e Research Professor presso University of New-Mexico (USA). I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano principalmente dispositivi optoelettronici basati sul confinamento quantistico e realizzati im materiale a semiconduttore III-V, quali ad esempio diodi laser quantum dots, laser a cascata quantica, sorgenti di stati non classici della luce, dinamica non-lineare e caotica in laser a semicondutore ed applicazioni della silicon photonics nell’ambito delle microonde. Il Prof. Grillot ha dato un forte contributo nel supportare e promuovere lo sviluppo della fotonica e dell’ottica nella comunità scientifica. E’ stato Associate Editor di Optics Express e dal Settembre 2022 è Deputy Editor della stessa rivista. Ha pubblicato più di 130 articoli su rivista, 3 capitoli di libro ed è stato oratore invitato alle maggiori conferenze internazionali e worskhop nel settore. Il Prof. Frédéric Grillot è Fellow Member of the SPIE, Senior Member of Optica e della IEEE Photonics Society. Nel 2022 è stato insignito IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer, premio che onora eccelenti relatori che hanno dimostrato ed ottenuto importanti contributi in ambito tecnico-scientifico, industriale o di sviluppo di impresa nel campo della fotonica.

prof. Zhang photo

Start date - End date: 08 October 2024 - 23 December 2024
Institution of origin: Ohio State University, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
PoliTO coordinator: Guido Masera

Xinmiao Zhang received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. She is currently a Professor at the Ohio State University. She was a Senior Technologist at Western Digital/SanDisk 2013-2017. Prior to that, she was a Timothy E. and Allison L. Schroeder Associate Professor at Case Western Reserve University. Prof. Zhang’s research spans the areas of VLSI architecture design, digital storage and communications, cryptography, security, and signal processing.
Prof. Zhang is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award 2009, the College of Engineering Lumley Research Award at The Ohio State University 2022, the Best Paper Award at ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004, and Best Paper Award at International SanDisk Technology Conference 2016. She authored “VLSI Architectures for Modern Error-Correcting Codes” (CRC Press, 2015), and co-edited “Wireless Security and Cryptography: Specifications and Implementations” (CRC Press, 2007). Prof. Zhang was elected the Vice President-Technical Activities of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) 2022-2023 and served on the Board of Governors of CASS 2019-2021. She was also the Chair (2021-2022) and a Vice-Chair (2017-2020) of the Data Storage Technical Committee (DSTC) of the IEEE Communications Society. She served on the technical program and organization committees of many conferences, including ISCAS, ICC, GLOBECOM, SiPS, GlobalSIP, MWSCAS, and GLSVLSI. She has been an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I (TCAS-I) 2010-2019 and IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems since 2019. She is the Associate Editor-in-Chief of TCAS-I for the 2024-2025 term.

Onishi Maki_photo

Start date - End date: 04 October 2024 - 10 October 2024
Institution of origin: Yokohama National University (Y-GSA), Japan
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: Andrea Bocco

Born in 1983. She graduated from Kyoto University in 2006.In 2008, she completed a master’s degree at the University of Tokyo. In the same year, she established onishimaki+hyakuda yuki/o+h ” with Yuki Hyakuda She is Visiting Professor at Kyoto University since 2016.She is Professor at Yokohama National University (Y GSA) since 2022 Major awards include AIJ Prize 2023 (Architectural Design Division), the 64th BCS Prize(2023), the Grand Prix of the 2nd ADAN Prize (2018), the JI A Young Architect Award (2018), etc. 
In 2023, she was curator of the Japanese pavilion exhibition at the 18th Annual International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, under the theme ‘Architecture, a place to be loved When architecture is seen as a living creature’.

Hagino Kiichito_photo

Start date - End date: 03 October 2024 - 11 October 2024
Institution of origin: University of Toyama, Japan
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: Andrea Bocco

Born in Tokyo, graduated from University of Tokyo, Master of Architecture from University of Pennsylvania as a Fulbright Scholar, Doctor of engineering in Architecture from University of Tokyo. 
Worked at Kohyama Atelier, Santos Levy and Associates, founded Hagino Atelier in 1996, he has practicing experience in Japan and in the United States.
Specialized in architectural design, preservation and renovation, traditional craftsmanship and carpentry, taught many universities, including Kanazawa College of Art and National Architecture School of Nancy, and currently teaching at School of Art and Design, University of Toyama, since 2016.
Settled down at Noto peninsula in Japan in 2004, he restored “dozo”, mud-plaster storages, and “minka” traditional folk houses after the Noto Earthquake in 2007. Co-founded Team Maruyama with Yuki Hagino in 2010, they are involved in various activities such as, surveying “Satoyama” nature and lifestyle in view of biocultural diversity, learning from both traditional and scientific knowledge and cultivating abundant fields.  From 2020, they opened Nogashi Laboratory, making and serving Japanese sweets from surrounding nature in each season.  Encountered another big Noto Earthquake in 2024, currently working on many rehabilitation projects.  In searching for being a contemporary “Hyaku-sho”, he is not only an architect but also being involved in various activities preserving and rediscovering traditional Japanese rural life and nature.

professor Arulprakash photo

Start date - End date: 30 September 2024 - 27 October 2024
Institution of origin: Vellore Institute of Technology, India
PoliTO receiving department: DISMA - Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche "G. L. Lagrange"
PoliTO coordinator: Lamberto Rondoni

Gowrisankar Arulprakash is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India with seven years of teaching experience and 11 years of research experience. He received his PhD degree (in Mathematics) from the Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University), Gandhigram, Dindigul, India, in 2017. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Guwahati, Assam , India, in 2017.  His major research area is Fractal Analysis and other recent areas include: Multifractals, Fractional Calculus, Chaos & Nonlinear Dynamics, Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence. He has published more than 50 research articles in reputed international journals. He has published three authored and four edited books. He serves as an Editorial Board member in The European Physical Journal Plus. He was one among the guest editors for four special issues in reputed journals.  He has been reviewing for more than 10 international journals and was awarded "Distinguished EPJ Referees -2021". His ongoing funded projects include VIN, 2023 - 2024 from the Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore and SEED grant (RGEMS) funded by the Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore for the financial year 2023 – 2024. Recently, he has received a TARE fellowship under the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for the period 2024 – 2026. He supervised four Ph.D. scholars and currently he is supervising two Ph.D. scholars.

fotografia prof. Murray-Rust

Start date - End date: 02 September 2024 - 16 September 2024
Institution of origin: TU Delft, NL
PoliTO receiving department: DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
PoliTO coordinator: Maria Luce Lupetti

Prof. Murray Rust’s work centres on human-algorithm interaction: creating systems that support novel, natural forms of human machine interaction and creativity, using data as a medium for design while exploring social and technical issues. He is antidisciplinary, carrying out research that touches on computer science, design, installation art, music, environmental sciences and beyond. 
The core of this practice is a synthesis between the practices and ways of working of design, the possibilities computer science and the understandings of philosophy and design theory. This comes together as prototyping relational AI – developing strategies for understanding and shaping the social and human relations around AI systems.
Through the AI Futures Lab, he is leading work on how speculative and critical design can inform the creation of more just AI systems in the emerging practice of remote and distributed working. Through developing novel educational methods within the Interdisciplinary Technology Design course he is developing better ways to understand and prototype AI systems, drawing on metaphors, roleplay and other experiential practices as part of technological process. Through work with AITech, he is developing fundamental models of human AI interaction that build functional bridges between designers and AI engineers. With the DCODE project, he is looking at how theories, values and practices come together to shape the principled design of AI systems.

Photo of prof. Achilli

Start date - End date: 01 September 2024 - 31 August 2024
Institution of origin: University of Arizona, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture
PoliTO coordinator: Alberto Tiraferri

Andrea Achilli is an Associate Professor in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Arizona (UA) and deputy director of the UA Water and Energy Sustainable Technology (WEST) Center. He received a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno where he developed the osmotic membrane
bioreactor and investigated pressure retarded osmosis. He has almost 20 years of research experience in membrane processes for desalination and water reuse, including membrane distillation and energy recovery. His research focuses on process integration, modelling, and optimization for advanced water and wastewater treatments. Dr. Achilli is the Principal
Investigator of the multi-million and multi-year Water Resiliency and Self-Sufficiency in the Arid Southwest Research Program, funded by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Current and past funding sources also include the Bureau of Reclamation, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Department of Energy RAPID program, the Department of Defense ESTCP program, and the EPA.

photo prof. Accordino

Start date - End date: 17 July 2024 - 24 July 2024
Institution of origin: Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
PoliTO coordinator: Alice Barreca

John Accordino, Ph.D., FAICP, began his VCU career in 1986 as an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He later served as chair of the department. More recently, he was director of the Wilder School’s Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA). He served as interim dean and then dean from July 2016 until April 2018. He is a professor in the Wilder School’s Urban and Regional Studies and Planning program and also directs partnerships with universities in Italy and Germany.
He has written books, monographs and articles on urban revitalization and related topics, as well as applied-research reports and plans for government agencies, retail merchants associations and community-based development organizations in economic development, commercial revitalization and workforce analysis. He has established student exchanges with two German universities, and he directs VCU’s partnership with the University of Messina, Sicily, which supports both scholarly and student exchanges. His publications include:
• Targeting Investments for Neighborhood Revitalization. Journal of the American Planning Association (Fall 2006). With George Galster and Peter Tatian.
• Planning for Impact: Richmond Takes an Aggressive Approach to Targeting Neighborhood Revitalization Resources. Practicing Planner, Vol. 3, No. 1 (March 2005).
• Urban Redevelopment Project Financing. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (2001). With Emil E. Malizia.
• Captives of the Cold War Economy: The Struggle for Defense Conversion in American Communities. Praeger Publishers (2000).
And the following papers:
• Accordino, John (8415307500); Fasulo, Fabrizio (55803718100), Fusing Technical and Political Rationality in Community Development: A Prescriptive Model of Efficiency-Based Strategic Geographic Targeting, (2013) Housing Policy Debate, 23 (4), pp. 615 - 642, DOI: 10.1080/10511482.2013.814070
• Accordino, John (8415307500); Johnson, Gary T. (7405719955), Addressing the vacant and abandoned property problem, (2000) Journal of Urban Affairs, 22 (3), pp. 301 - 315,.DOI: 10.1111/0735-2166.00058
• Accordino, John (8415307500), The consequences of welfare reform for central city economies, (1998) Journal of the American Planning Association, 64 (1), pp. 11 - 15, DOI: 10.1080/01944369808975951

foto prof. Wigley

Start date - End date: 08 July 2024 - 12 July 2024
Institution of origin: Columbia University, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
PoliTO coordinator: Albena Yaneva

Mark Wigley is Professor of Architecture and Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) at Columbia University. He is a historian, theorist, and critic who explores the intersection of architecture, art, philosophy, culture, and technology. He received both his Bachelor of Architecture (1979) and his Ph.D. (1987) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His books include Konrad Wachsmann’s Television: Post-Architectural Transmissions (Sternberg Press, 2020), Passing Through Architecture: The 10 Years of Gordon Matta-Clark (Power Station of Art, 2019); Cutting Matta-Clark: The Anarchitecture Investigation (Lars Müller, 2018); Are We Human? Notes on an Archaeology of Design (with Beatriz Colomina; Lars Müller, 2016); Buckminster Fuller Inc.: Architecture in the Age of Radio (Lars Müller, 2015); Casa da Música / Porto (with Rem Koolhaas; Fundação Casa da Música, 2008), Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-Architecture of Desire (010 Publishers, 1998); White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture (MIT Press, 1995); Derrida’s Haunt: The Architecture of Deconstruction (MIT Press, 1993), and Deconstructivist Architecture (with Philip Johnson; MoMA, 1988). He has curated exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, The Drawing Center, Columbia University, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Het Nieuwe Instituut, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, and the Power Station of Art. He was the co-curator of the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial in 2016 with Beatriz Colomina, the curator of The Human Insect: Antennas 1886-2017 at Het Nieuw Instituut, Rotterdam in 2018 and most recently “Passing Through Architecture: The 10 Years of Gordon Matta-Clark” at the Power Station of Art, Shanghai (2019–20).

foto prof.ssa Colomina

Start date - End date: 08 July 2024 - 12 July 2024
Institution of origin: Princeton University, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
PoliTO coordinator: Albena Yaneva

Beatriz Colomina is an internationally renowned architectural historian and theorist who has written and curated extensively on questions of architecture, art, technology, sexuality, and media. She is the Howard Crosby Butler Professor of the History of Architecture, the founding director of the Media and Modernity program at Princeton University, and the Director of Graduate Studies (Ph.D. program) in the School of Architecture.
Her scholarly work has been published in more than 25 languages. Her books include Radical Pedagogies (MIT Press, 2022), X-Ray Architecture (Lars Muller, 2019), Are We Human? Notes on an Archeology of Design (Lars Müller, 2016), The Century of the Bed (Verlag für ModerneKunst, 2015), Das Andere/The Other: A Journal for the Introduction of Western Culture into Austria (MAK Center for Art and Architecture, 2016), Manifesto Architecture: The Ghost of Mies (Sternberg, 2014), Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X-197X (Actar, 2010), Domesticity at War (MIT Press, 2007), Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media (MIT Press, 1994), and Sexuality and Space (Princeton Architectural Press, 1992).
Colomina has been the recipient of diverse awards and fellowships, including the Samuel H. Kress Senior Fellowship at the CASVA (Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts), SOM Foundation, Le Corbusier Foundation, Graham Foundation, the CCA (Canadian Centre for Architecture), The American Academy in Berlin, the Getty Center in Los Angeles, the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, and the Wissenschaftkolleg in Berlin.

photo of Prof. Lozej Archer

Start date - End date: 30 June 2024 - 30 June 2025
Institution of origin: University of Delaware, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture
PoliTO coordinator: Davide Poggi

Cristina Lozej Archer is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences and in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Delaware. Dr. Archer is the Director of the Center for Research in Wind (CReW), which focuses on wind energy, in particular offshore, and its integration in the electric grid. She earned a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) in 1995, an M.S. in Meteorology from San Jose State University in 1998, and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University in 2004. She was a Postdoc there in 2004-2005 and then worked as an Atmospheric Modeler in the air quality district of San Francisco in 2005-2007. Dr. Archer joined the Carnegie Institution for Science in 2007 as a Research Associate. She was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences of the California State University Chico during 2008-2011. She joined the University of Delaware in 2011. Dr. Archer’s research interests include wind power, meteorology, air quality, climate change, numerical modeling, and computational fluid dynamics. In recognition of her contributions to the University of Delaware, she was awarded a named professorship in 2022, the Unidel Howard Cosgrove Career Development Chair in the Environment. Google Scholar reports an H-index of 35 and over 5700 citations.

Photo prof. Fokker

Start date - End date: 25 June 2024 - 12 July 2024
Institution of origin: TNO, NL
PoliTO receiving department: DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture
PoliTO coordinator: Francesca Verga

Peter A. Fokker currently works as a Senior Scientist in the Department of Geosciences and Technology at TNO, NL.
Peter Fokker studied physics at Utrecht University. After his PhD he joined Shell, and later TNO, the Dutch Institute for Applied Scientific Research. His main research interest concerns reservoir geomechanics and coupled modeling, where he studies phenomena like subsidence, induced seismicity, and geothermal systems.
Peter is a world expert on geomechanics. He started researching human-induced subsidence around year 2000, and over the years has collaborated on this topic with many national and international partners. He then developed advanced research on coupled modeling, mostly in the context of induced seismicity. The TNO research group is a leader of this research, with strong involvement in the societally important issue of gas-production-induced seismicity in the Netherlands Groningen gas field.
Peter is connected to Utrecht University as a guest researcher in rock mechanics.
Since 2015, Peter has been a member of the UNESCO Land Subsidence International Initiative.
The research line on Harmonic Pulse Testing was initiated in 2009 in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino. Many publications and a joint patent deposited in 2011 demonstrate the progress as well as the growing number of field applications– starting in Italy and in the Netherlands and then expanding worldwide.
Peter’s total number of publications contains 63 Journal Publications and 47 Conference papers with over 1600 citations. The h-index is 23 (source: Scopus @ May 2024).

Prof. Levorato photo

Start date - End date: 17 June 2024 - 24 July 2024
Institution of origin: University of California, Irvine, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
PoliTO coordinator: Carla Fabiana Chiasserini

Marco Levorato is a Professor in the Computer Science department at the University of California, Irvine.
He completed the PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy, in 2009. Between 2010 and 2012, he was a postdoctoral researcher with a joint affiliation at Stanford and the University of Southern California. His research interests are focused on distributed computing over unreliable wireless systems, especially for autonomous vehicles and robotic applications. His work received the best paper award at IEEE GLOBECOM (2012). In 2016 and 2019, he received the UC Hellman Foundation Award and the Dean mid-career research award, respectively. His research is funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, Intel and Cisco. In 2020-2021, he was the vice chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications. He serves in the TPC of IEEE Infocom, IEEE Secon, IEEE Percom, IEEE ICDCS and ACM MobiHoc, is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and was part of the organizing committee of several IEEE and ACM conferences, including IEEE Secon 2022 and 2017, ACM MobiSys 2015 and ACM MobiCom 2015 and 2014. He delivered the keynote speech at IEEE HealthCom 2022 and IEEE MedComNet 2023.

prof. Moreno photo

Start date - End date: 17 June 2024 - 28 June 2024
Institution of origin: Universidad del Norte, Colombia 
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: Paola Fausta Maria Molina

Maylin Moreno è dottore in psicologia e master in psicologia dei processi cognitivi presso l'Università Jean-Jaurès di Tolosa in Francia. Diploma di Specialista in Disturbi Cognitivi e dell'Apprendimento, Master in Sviluppo Sociale e Psicologa dell'Universidad del Norte di Barranquilla. È professora presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell'Università del Norte dove è responsabile di alcuni insegnamenti nell'area della psicologia di base, come Pensiero e linguaggio e Psicologia dello sviluppo: infanzia e adolescenza. Fa parte del gruppo di ricerca di Psicologia, dove è fondatrice e direttrice della linea di ricerca: “Cognizione, Comunicazione, Sviluppo e Contesti”. Il suo campo di ricerca è legato alla comunicazione multimodale e al linguaggio nei primi anni di vita; la pragmatica dello sviluppo e negli ultimi anni, la regolazione emotionale negli adolescenti.

Prof. Williams photo

Start date - End date: 10 June 2024 - 20 July 2024
Institution of origin: A & M University, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
PoliTO coordinator: Alon Ascoli e Fernando Corinto

Richard Stanley Williams received the B.A. degree in Chemical Physics from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, in 1974, and the Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1978. After graduating, he worked at Bell Labs, before joining the faculty at UCLA, where he served as a Professor from 1980 to 1995. He was joined Hewlett Packard (HP) Labs, Palo Alto, CA, USA, as Senior Fellow. At HP Labs he served as the Director of the Information and Quantum Systems Research Lab, leading a large group of engineers, which, besides various major achievements in different areas of fundamental physical sciences, developed a functional solid-state nanoscale version of Leon Chua's memristor. He is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University. To date, he has been awarded more than 200 US patents and has published more than 410 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Photo of prof. Musa Manzi

Start date - End date: 09 April 2024 - 22 April 2024
Institution of origin: School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
PoliTO receiving department: DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture
PoliTO coordinator: Laura Valentina SOCCO

Il Prof. Musa Manzi è Professore Associato (Reader) e Direttore del Centro di Ricerca Sismica presso la School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand in Sudafrica. Ha conseguito una laurea in Scienze (2007), una laurea specialistica in Scienze (2008) e un dottorato di ricerca (2013) in geofisica presso l'Università del Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. È coordinatore scientifico del progetto consorziato ERAMIN3-FUTURE finanziato nell'ambito del programma ERA-NET Cofund ERA-MIN3. Ha formato più di 30 studenti post-laurea (> 15 magistrali e 10 dottorati), e attualmente supervisiona o co-supervisiona più di 25 studenti post-laurea. Il Prof. Manzi lavora allo sviluppo di innovative tecniche di analisi e di interpretazione di dati geofisici applicati alla comprensione della struttura della crosta terrestre e dei processi ad essa correlati. Si è occupato, in numerosi progetti finanziati e in collaborazione con importanti istituzioni di ricerca internazionali, di esplorazione di giacimenti minerari, di giacimenti di risorse fluide per lo sfruttamento delle stesse e per lo stoccaggio di gas. Ha più di 15 anni di esperienza nell'acquisizione, elaborazione e interpretazione sismica per l'imaging 3D. Le sue attività attuali coinvolgono l'uso della geofisica (principalmente metodi sismici) per l'imaging geofisico negli ambienti minerari e la mitigazione dei rischi associati all'attività mineraria profonda. Per la sua ricerca, ha collaborato con ingegneri (principalmente minerari ed elettrici), geologi, scienziati naturali e microbiologi provenienti da varie istituzioni accademiche e industriali. Ricopre ruoli in prestigiose Associazioni scientifiche (EAGE) ed ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti da parte della comunità scientifica.

2023 Visiting professors

photo Marios Ioannidis

Start date - End date: 01 February 2024  - 31 July 2024
Institution of origin: Department of Chemical Engineering - University of Waterloo
PoliTO receiving department: DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture
PoliTO coordinator: Rajandrea SETHI

Marios Ioannidis is a Professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada, where he currently serves as Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Marios first studied chemical engineering at the University of Patras, obtaining the Diploma in Chemical Engineering in 1988, and continued his studies at the University of Waterloo, obtaining a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering in 1993. Marios and his group research fundamental aspects of multiphase flow and transport of solutes and nanoparticles in porous materials of different kinds (fibrous or granular, man-made or natural, etc.). The goal of their research is to enable engineering applications ranging from subsurface remediation and geo-energy exploitation to environmental sampling, fuel cell performance optimization and oil spill response. Professor Ioannidis has held numerous positions within the University of Waterloo, including as inaugural Director of the Nanotechnology Engineering Program, and is a Fellow of Engineers Canada. Scholars reports 5925 cit. and H-index=41.

Marco Levorato

Start date - End date: 09 June 2023 - 07 July 2023
Institution of origin: Deparment of Computer Science - University of California Irvine
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
PoliTO coordinator: Carla Fabiana CHIASSERINI

Marco Levorato is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at UC lrvine. He compieteci the PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Padova, ltaly, in 2009. Between 201 O and 2012, he was a postdoctoral researcher with a joint affiliation at Stanford and the University of Southern California. His work received the best paper award at IEEE GLOBECOM (2012). In 2016 and 2019, he received the UC Hellman Foundation Award and the Dean mid-career research award, respectively. In 2020-2021, he was the vice chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications. He serves in the TPC of IEEE lnfocom and IEEE Secon, and was part of the organizing committee of several IEEE and ACM conferences, including IEEE Secon 2022 and 2017, ACM MobiSys 2015 and ACM MobiCom 2015 and 2014. In 2022, he gave the keynote speech at IEEE Healthcom. He published more than 150 papers in IEEE and ACM conferences and journals, and his research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, DARPA, the University of California Office of the President, Cisco and lntel. 
Dr. Levorato's research is positioned at the intersection between communications, computing and real-time applications, striving to tackle pressing technological problems tram a broad and innovative perspective. One of the centrai issues in today's systems is the mismatch between the computing needs of modem mobile applications and the capabilities and resources of mobile platforms, e.g., memory, computing power, and energy reservoir. His recent work introduces several conceptual and technological advancements to make mobile computing possible in the most challenging applications. Building effective frameworks and systems supporting mobile computing tor the extreme applications that are emerging in the context of 5G and 6G systems necessitates an innovative interdisciplinary and inter-layer approach spanning a broad range physical and cyber component subsystems and layers. His research group's work attacks many different aspects of the problem at different logical scales, including the structure and training of the DNN algorithms, Al­empowered decision making at individuai mobile device-level and infrastructure-level intelligence tor resource allocation. 

Foto Raffaele Filieri

Start date - End date: 02 May 2023 - 08 May 2023
Institution of origin: Audencia Business School, Nantes, France
PoliTO receiving department: DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione
PoliTO coordinator: Elisabetta Raguseo

Raffaele Filieri is a Professor of Digital Marketing in the Marketing Department at Audencia Business School, Nantes, France. Prof. Filieri obtained his Ph.D. in Business Engineering from Universita’ Roma Tre in 2009 and has worked as a consultant for small and multinational companies before deciding to continue his career in academia. Prof. Filieri has covered roles at various institutions in UK (Newcastle University and Northumbria University), Ireland (University of Limerick), France (Kedge Business School), Italy (IULM Milano, La Sapienza Universita’ di Roma), China (South Western University of Finance and Economics), and Colombia. 
Prof. Filieri is Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research, European Management Review, International Journal of Hospitality Management, and Internet Research and sits on the editorial board of major international journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Psychology & Marketing, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, European Management Journal, and many more.
Prof. Filieri’s research focuses on consumer behavior in digital settings; the drivers of technology adoption and continuance intention; the role culture on consumer information processing and purchase decisions; the influence of online consumer reviews (eWOM) on consumer intentions and decisions; social media and digital marketing; and the links between social capital, inter-organizational knowledge transfer, and innovation.
Prof. Filieri has a strong interest in the travel & tourism industry and his research focuses on travelers’ online information processing and the factors influencing their booking decisions, new technology adoption in the tourism industry, and social media use in the tourism context.   Prof. Filieri is the only scholar in France to have been included in the ranking of Highly Cited Researchers in 2022 (1% across all scientific disciplines, 6.938 researchers in the world, 1 in 1.000). Prof. Filieri has published research papers using a variety of research methodologies (Regression Analysis, Factor Analysis, SEM, interviews, thematic analysis, text analytics, online experiments), he is an expert in scale development and ranks in the top 10 marketing scholars in Europe and 24th in the world based on the last Stanford University’s science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. Prof. Filieri has published over 60 research papers in 35 different international peer-reviewed journals spanning marketing, travel & tourism, and information systems, including the Journal of Service Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Research, Information & Management, Psychology & Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Transportation Research Part E, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Computers in Human Behavior and many more. 

Foto Goran Putnik

Start date - End date: 01 May 2023 - 26 May 2023
Institution of origin: Campus de Azurem, Portugal
PoliTO receiving department: DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione
PoliTO coordinator: Dario Antonelli

Goran D. Putnik, Dr.  Habil,, Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Department of Production and Systems Engineenng, University of Minho,  Portugal. He has  graduated in Production  Engineering, and subsequently earned his MSc and DrSc degrees in the area of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, at Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia, where he was a assistant lecturer (after 3 years experience in lndustry), until he joined the University of Minho, Portugal, from early 1993. His scientific and engineering interests are: design, control and management of manufacturing systems and enterprises, enterprise Integration and interoperability, ICT in manufacturing, formal theory of manufacturing systems and enteprises, intelligent manufacturing systems and enterprises, design theory, artiflclal intelligence and machine learning, concurrent and collaborative engineering, distributed, agile and virtual production systems and enterprises, management of chaos and complexity in organizations.
His publishing record comprises more than 400 publications in international and national Journals and conferences, of which more than 100 papers published in international journals indexed in SCI  or SCOPUS, including 18 books, of which the "Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations" is distinguished. He has supervised 14 concluded PhD projects and is supervising 4 on course. He is regularly invited for scientific committees of international conferences, as a reviewer for a number of leading scientific journals related to manufacturing and management and presented and invited lectures at seminars, workshops and universities, and Keynote lectures at conferences. He is founder or co-founder of four international scientific conferences. He also serves as Associate Editor in 2 international scientific journals, and Member of the Editorial Boards in 15 international scientific journals, of which 9 indexed in SCI or SCOPUS, and served as a Guest Editor of 17 Special Issues in 11 international scientific journals, all indexed in SCI or SCOPUS. Presently, he is the member of the following renowned professional societies and scientific networks:
• Member of the CIRP -  "The lntematlonal Academy for Production Engineering"    
• Member or the IFlP WG 5.5 - cooperation  infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises and electronic business - COVE"    
• Member of the ECCON - "European Chaos and Complexity In Organisations Network- ECCON" (at the   moment the network is not active).

Foto Valey Kamalov

Start date - End date: 16 October 2023 - 12 November 2023
Institution of origin: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
PoliTO coordinator: Vittorio Curri

Il professor Kamalov ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in fisica nel 1978 e il dottorato di ricerca in elettronica quantistica nel 1982, entrambi presso il Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università Statale Lomonosov di Mosca.
Vita accademica
Insegnamento e conduzione di ricerche nel campo della spettroscopia ottica non lineare a Mosca Università Statale Lomonosov, 1982 - 1988.
Condurre ricerche sulla spettroscopia non lineare risolta nel tempo di picosecondi / femtosecondi, 1988-1991, per il quale ho conseguito Sc.D. dall'Accademia Russa delle Scienze, Istituto di Chimica Fisica nel 1992.
Visiting Professor presso la Kwansei Gakuin University, 1993-1994 
Visiting Sr Researcher, Institute of Molecular Science, Okazaki Japan, 1991-1992; 1994-1995
Visiting Professor presso l'Università di York, Regno Unito, 1993
Senior Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 1995-1996
Docente, Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1997
Docente, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1998
Presidente e docente, Scuola estiva di comunicazione in fibra ottica sottomarina, Finlandia, 2019
Presidente e docente, Scuola estiva di comunicazione in fibra ottica sottomarina, Svezia, 2022
La vita nell'industria
2023: Avvio di una società dedicata a i) formazione nell'area della fibra ottica sottomarina
Comunicazione e ii) preallarme tsunami basato su cavi sottomarini operativi. Durante Q1-Q2' 2023 ha condotto corsi di formazione presso la Wits University, Johannesburg e la Stellenbosch University,Sud Africa, ea Paratus, Namibia, Africa. Presentato diversi articoli dedicati a sismologia con cavi in fibra ottica, vedere l'elenco delle pubblicazioni recenti di seguito.
2023 - 2007: Principal Network Engineer, Google LLC. Valey è entrato a far parte di Google come membro dell'azienda primo esperto di reti ottiche nel 2007 e ha guidato lo sviluppo dell'ottica originale di Google networking con approccio innovativo: il primo cavo SDM con tecnologia pump sharing (Dunant
cable), il primo cavo sottomarino non gestito a dispersione (cavo SJC) con ricevitori coerenti a aumentare la capacità della coppia di fibre. La rete terrestre altamente efficiente sviluppata sulla base di quella di Valey nuovi standard di fibra e trasmissione più di un decennio fa servono come base per Google
Cloud e altre applicazioni Google. Valey ha guidato la progettazione e gli aspetti operativi dell'open approccio di sistema di linea, in rete terrestre dal 2010, e sottomarino compreso il primo Open cavo (Faster cable) con separazione tra impianto ottico umido e apparecchiatura terminale leggera basata su
metriche segnale/rumore. Valey ha avviato il movimento sottomarino Open Cables e ha costruito un'industria coalizione. Valey ha ricevuto numerosi premi e bonus durante i suoi 15 anni di permanenza in Google, diventando Principal Network Engineer nel 2019. Vicepresidente di Per Valey: “Valey è uno dei principali e pensatori originali riconosciuti a livello mondiale nello spazio della tecnologia ottica e sottomarina. Inoltre, nessuno individuo ha avuto il livello di impatto trasformativo sulla tecnologia di rete sottomarina come Valey negli ultimi molti anni. La leadership tecnologica di Valey non solo ha consentito a Google di continuare a farlo scalare la nostra enorme rete globale, ha spinto il settore in avanti in modo esponenziale "
2007 - 1999: DMTS presso Nokia Siemens Networks, Florida, USA, progetta la fibra ottica a lungo raggio reti per AT&T e Verizon.
1999-1997: PI del contratto SBIR per Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, DoD, USA presso Schwartz Electro-Optics Inc., Orlando, Florida, USA
1997-1996: società di metrologia MetOne, Oregon, USA. 
Attività di gestione
È membro del consiglio di amministrazione della Fondazione Ottica. Un esempio di Fondazione Ottica attività: Dal 10 al 16 luglio si è tenuta la Subsea Optical Fiber Communications School a Backafallsbyn, Sankt IBB, Svezia. Abbiamo ospitato più di 91 persone (partecipanti, relatori e industria rappresentanti). Questo evento prevedeva lezioni sulla trasmissione ottica, l'alimentazione via cavo e topologie di rete. Abbiamo anche ospitato tavole rotonde su aree e sessioni di sfida con i rappresentanti aziendali sulle opportunità di carriera.
Dirige un gruppo di lavoro presso l'Associazione SubOptic “Sismology with Operational Submarine Cavi” composto da 15 rappresentanti aziendali. Ha presieduto il Paper Committee di Suboptic 2023.

Foto Helen May Chan

Start date - End date: 19 September 2023 - 01 October 2023
Institution of origin: Lehigh University, Betlehem, PA, USA
PoliTO receiving department: DISAT - Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia
PoliTO coordinator: Monica Ferraris

Dr. Chan is the New Jersey Zinc Professar in the MSE Dept. alLehlgh University, and served as Dept. Chair 2006 - 2016. She received her B.Sc.(First Class Hons.) and Ph.D.degrees from the Dept. of Materials Science & Technology at Imperia! College (University of London), and joined the Lehigh faculty in 1986. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the American Ceramic Society (2019-2022). Her varied research interests include processing, structure and properties of advanced ceramics and high entropy alloys, and is the author of over 190 journal publications. Dr. Chan is a former Chair of the University Materials Council (2011-2012) and chaired the executive committee of the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society (2010-2011). She has served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Ceramic Sociesince 1999, and held the position of Editor of the Journalof Materials Science 2004-2015. She is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, Fulbright Visiting Professar, TU Graz, Austria (2016), and Chair of 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Solid State Ceramics. In 2017, Dr.Chan received Lehigh University's Hillman Award for "teaching, research work and advancing the interests ofthe university." She was also one ofthe researchers highlighted in the book "SuccessfulWomen Ceramic and Glass Scientists and Enaineers: 100 lnsoirational Profiles • bv L. Madsen Wilev. 2015.

Foto Alexandros Tsoukias

Start date - End date: 13 November 2023 - 08 March 2024
Institution of origin: CNRS, PSL - Université Paris Dauphine
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: Marta Bottero

Alexandros Tsoukiàs (Grecia, 1959) è direttore di ricerca del CNRS presso il LAMSADE, PSL University, Université Paris Dauphine. Ha conseguito (1989) un dottorato di ricerca in Informatica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi presso il Politecnico di Torino (Italia) dove ha anche acquisito la laurea in Ingegneria. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono argomenti quali: analisi decisionale a criteri multipli, modelli di preferenza, analisi delle politiche, intelligenza artificiale e teoria delle decisioni. È stato vicepresidente della ROADEF (la società francese di Ricerca Operativa) e presidente di EURO (l'associazione europea delle società di Ricerca Operativa). Nel 2007 è stato coordinatore dell'azione europea COST IC0602, Algorithmic Decision Theory, finanziata nell'ambito del FP7. Ha ricoperto diversi incarichi in ambito di ricerca, tra cui il Comitato Nazionale del CNRS, il Consiglio Scientifico dell'INERIS e il Comitato Scientifico dell'Istituto Nazionale di Informatica del CNRS. È stato direttore del LAMSADE fino al 2018. Insegna in diversi corsi post-laurea a Parigi e nel mondo. È membro di numerosi comitati editoriali ed ha curato numeri speciali di riviste e volumi di convegni. È stato coinvolto nei Comitati Scientifici e Organizzativi di convegni nei settori dell'Analisi Decisionale, della Ricerca Operativa e dell'Intelligenza Artificiale.

Foto Daniel Florentin

Start date - End date: 25 September 2023 - 26 April 2024
Institution of origin: Mines Paris PSL - Centre for the Sociology of Innovation
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: Angelo Sampieri

Daniel Florentin is Assistant Professor in Environment and Urban Studies at Mines Paris PSL (Centre for the Sociology of Innovation). His research focuses on the ways through which environmental, energetic, and  sociopolitical transitions are transforming urban services (water and energy) and public works. He has notably developed research on shrinking consumption levels of water and energy and infrastructure maintenance practices and strategies and their implications for urban planning activities in various European contexts.
During his stay at the DIST, he will conduct research on the effects of growing climate pressures on infrastructure management, specifically water and energy services and their maintenance, looking at the Torino/Piemonte case. He will also contribute to the PhD training programme through seminars.

photo prof. Gleiter

Start date - End date: 01 March 2023 - 30 June 2023
Institution of origin: Technische Universität Berlin, DE
PoliTO receiving department: DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
PoliTO coordinator: Alessandro ARMANDO

Jörg H. Gleiter is the Head of the Chair of Architectural Theory at the Technische Universität Berlin. He studied at the University of Tübingen, the Technische Universität Berlin (Dipl.-Ing.), the IUAV (Venice University Institute of
Architecture) and at Columbia University in New York (M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design). He has worked as an architect at J.P. Kleihues Architects in Berlin, Eisenman Architects (New York), Leeser Architecture (New York) and at various architects’ practices in Italy and Germany. In 2002, he was awarded his doctorate with summa cum laude by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on “The Return of the Repressed. On the Critical Theory of Ornament”. In 2007 he qualified as a professor at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with his habilitation on “Nietzsche and the Physiology of Architecture”.
He is the founder and editor of the book series ArchitekturDenken (Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld) and is a co-editor of the online journal for architectural theory “Cloud-Cuckoo-Land”. From 2016-2022 he was a member of the Academic Senate of Technische Universität Berlin, and from 2015-19 he served as managing director of the Institute of Architecture.Jörg H. Gleiter is the Head of the Chair of Architectural Theory at the Technische Universität Berlin. He studied at the University of Tübingen, the Technische Universität Berlin (Dipl.-Ing.), the IUAV (Venice University Institute of Architecture) and at Columbia University in New York (M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design). He has worked as an architect at J.P. Kleihues Architects in Berlin, Eisenman Architects (New York), Leeser Architecture (New York) and at various architects’ practices in Italy and Germany. In 2002, he was awarded his doctorate with summa cum laude by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on “The Return of the Repressed. On the Critical Theory of Ornament”. In 2007 he qualified as a professor at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with his habilitation on “Nietzsche and the Physiology of Architecture”.
He is the founder and editor of the book series ArchitekturDenken (Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld) and is a co-editor of the online journal for architectural theory “Cloud-Cuckoo-Land”. From 2016-2022 he was a member of the Academic Senate of Technische Universität Berlin, and from 2015-19 he served as managing director of the Institute of Architecture.

photo prof. Shum

Start date - End date: 27 February 2023 - 19 March 2023
Institution of origin: University of Waterloo, Canada
PoliTO receiving department: DISMA - Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche "G.L. Lagrange"
PoliTO coordinator: Marco Morandotti

Henry Shum is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. He studied Mathematics and Physics as an undergraduate at the Unviersity of Warwick, completed his doctoral degree in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Oxford, and gained postdoctoral experience at the University of Oxford (Department of Physics) and the University of Pittsburgh (Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering). His research interests are in modelling motility of microorganisms with an emphasis on fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interactions. More generally, he is interested in modeling chemical and physical processes that govern biological functions and applying these principles in bio-inspired artificial systems. During his visit, he will study the controllability of particles in a microfluidic device using the flow field generated by actuated cilia.

photo prof. Simone

Start date - End date: 01 January 2023 - 31 August 2024
Institution of origin: Urban Institute, University of Sheffield, UK
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: Michele Lancione

AbdouMaliq Simone is Senior Professorial Fellow at the Urban Institute, University of Sheffield, U.K., and Honorary Professor of Urban Studies at the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town. His work centres on trajectories of urban change in the Global South, with emphasis on popular economy, urban peripheries and socio-cultural formations. His key publications include For the City Yet to Come: Changing African Life in Four Cities (Duke University Press); City Life from Jakarta to Dakar: Movements at the Crossroads (Routledge); Jakarta: Drawing the City Near (Minnesota); New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times, with Edgar Pieterse (Polity Press); Improvised Lives: Rhythms of Endurance in an Urban South (Polity Press); and The Surrounds: Urban Life Within and Beyond Capture (Duke University Press).

2022 Visiting professors

Berlanda Tomà

Start date - End date: 01 September 2021 - 31 January 2022
Institution of origin: School of Architecture, Planning & Geomatics, University of Cape Town
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
PoliTO coordinator: CAMILLO BOANO

Tomà Berlanda (Venice, 1976), is an architect and scholar with extensive international academic and professional experience. As of April 2015, he is Professor of Architecture at the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics at the University of Cape Town, where he also held the appointment as Director (2015-2018). His research interests focus on the implications that can be drawn from a non-stereotypical reading of the African city and the practice of architecture in 
non- Western urban settings and landscapes. He has co-founded asa studio and, two practices that have produced internationally recognised design work. His collaborative projects are the result of an engagement with the role of quality design for underprivileged communities, an include school buildings, early childhood development centres, and health facilities. He is the author of Architectural Topographies (Routledge, 2014), and, together with K.H. Smith, of
Interpreting Kigali (University of Arkansas press, 2018).

Ionescu Anca-Luiza

Start date - End date: 01 October 2021 - 28 February 2022
Institution of origin: University Politehnica of Bucharest
PoliTO receiving department: DISAT - Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia
PoliTO coordinator: GIOVANNI BARBERO


Anca-Luiza Ionescu (born Alexe) (PhD in Physics, University of Bucharest) full professor,  Department of Physics, University Politehnica of Bucharest. Head of the Research Laboratory Physics of Materials. Research interests: experimental investigations and modeling of interface properties of anisotropic liquids in contact with solid surfaces, elastic and electro-optic properties of mesomorfic materials, adsorption phenomena and impedance spectroscopy in electrolytic cells. She revised and proposed experimental techniques and models to characterize liquid crystals and polymeric materials with ionic conduction, dielectric and visco-elastic properties of hydrogels for biomedical applications, structural properties of photoanodes for dye-sensitized solar and water splitting cells.

In the Group of Nanotechnologies, A.L.Ionescu will be involved in the interpretation of the conduction properties of the ionic liquid electrolytes with high ionic concentration, different sizes and diffusion coefficients for anions and cations, selective ion adsorption. Advanced functionalized electrodes with large geometric area will be examined, for modeling the influence of the pore size and  distribution on the active electrode's area in contact with the electrolyte.

Courses proposed for PhD School: Study of electrochemical processes by microscopy and spectroscopy

Dong Gong

Start date - End date: : 01 October 2021 - 31 July 2022
Institution of origin: Vector Architects
PoliTO receiving department: DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design
PoliTO coordinator: ALBERTO BOLOGNA

DONG Gong founded Vector Architects in 2008. He was appointed as the Plym Distinguished Professor at University of Illinois, and elected as the foreign member of French Academy of Architecture in 2019. He has been teaching Design Studio at Tsinghua University since 2014. DONG Gong received Bachelor & Master of Architecture from Tsinghua University, followed by a diploma at University of Illinois where he received the Master of Architecture. Prior to establishing his own practice, he worked for Richard Meier & Partners and Steven Holl Architects in New York. DONG Gong / Vector Architects has also been invited to various exhibitions including "FREESPACE" in Arsenale and China's pavilion of 2018 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia (Italy). Vector Architects has won awards internationally including Nominated by Swiss Architectural Award (2018); Grand Award and Gold Award of DFA Design for Asia Awards (2016); The Overall Winner of Italian Archmarathon Awards (2016); "Design Vanguard" selected by Architectural Record (2014); 1st Prize of Chinese Excellent Exploration & Design Industry Awards (2017/2013), etc. Vector's projects have been published by "CASABELLA", "The New York Times", "Wallpaper", "A+U", "Detail", "The Architectural Review", "Domus", etc.

DONG Gong has been invited as a guest speaker and critic by universities, academic and professional institutions including Tsinghua University (China), the University of Hong Kong (China Hong Kong), National Cheng Kung University (China Taiwan), University of Pennsylvania (USA), University of Illinois (USA), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Swiss), Société Française des Architectes (France), University of Applied Science Munich (Germany), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), CASABELLA Formazione (Italy), etc.

Representative works: Renovation of the Captain’s House, Seashore Library, Seashore Chapel, Chongqing Taoyuanju

Community Center, Alila Yangshuo, Suzhou Intangible Cultural Center, etc.

Alessandro Palmeri

Start date - End date: 05 October 2021 - 24 January 2022
Institution of origin: Loughborough University, United Kingdom
PoliTO receiving department: DISEG - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica

Dr Alessandro Palmeri is a Reader in Structural Engineering & Dynamics and Leader of the Structures & Materials Group within the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering at Loughborough University. Ranked in the top ten in each of the most recent British league tables and in the top 400 of the World University Rankings 2021, Loughborough University is one of the funding members of UKCRIC, the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure and Cities, by far the largest integrated research initiative funded by the UK government in the sector.
Dr Palmeri’s research is mainly concentrated around: i) Response analysis of engineering structures characterised by complex dynamic behaviour; ii) Quantification and propagation of uncertainty in structural modelling and randomness in applied loads. The scientific command of these lines of enquiry is evidenced by impactful outputs and prestigious partnerships with other academic institutions in the UK (e.g. Bath, Birmingham and Leeds) and overseas (e.g. IIT Delhi, Notre Dame and Southern Methodist University) as well as industrial support from world-leading company such as ECI (European Construction Institute), Ove Arup, E.On, MS Amlin and RWDI.
Since 2004, Dr Palmeri’s scholarship and research activities have been supported by national and international funding bodies with competitive research grants exceeding £750k; since 2006, he has supervised doctoral students, both in Italy and in the UK, on a variety of structural engineering topics (14 have successfully completed their studies and two are currently in progress).
Up to date, the results of Dr Palmeri’s research have been published in over 150 outputs, including 40 journals papers, which have attracted > 900 citations (source: Google Scholar), > 600 in the last 5 years, from > 50 countries/territories (source: Scopus), resulting in h-index= 18 in Google Scholar. Other indicators of excellence and international reputation include: invited lectures (4) and successful organisation of special sessions and mini-symposia (6) in prestigious conferences; organisation of special issues for leading journals (3); journal and conference paper awards (3); editorial board membership for journals (3) and specialist conferences (9); invited speaker in doctoral and professional seminar series (7); regular reviewer for many top journals and grant assessor for many funding bodies, in addition of being associate peer review college member of the EPSRC (the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council).
Owing to his strong technical background in Structural Engineering, Dr Palmeri has taught in a variety of modules, at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, demonstrating great versatility and receiving consistently excellent student feedback, including the “2019-20 Teaching Star Award” in his School for “Structural Dynamics & Earthquake

Casadesus Fa Marti

Start date - End date: 08 November 2021 - 10 February 2022
Ente di provenienza: Universitat de Girona (Spain)
PoliTO receiving department: DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione

Dr. Martí Casadesús Fa is a Professor in the Department of Business Management and Product Development at the University of Girona. He studied Industrial Engineering (UPC) and holds a Doctorate in
Industrial engineering (UdG). His teaching is focused on “Operations Management” and “Quality Management”. According to all the evaluations received at the University of Girona, he had always been classified at level A on a scale of 4 levels (A,B,C and D). He is currently co-director of the research group GREP (Research Group in Product, process and production) at the University of Girona. This group is devoted to the design of new planning and management of production systems, as well as quality management systems. He is also the director of the Consolidated group of research by the Government of Catalonia, GITASP, devoted to the research in the innovation in manufacturing systems. His research is focused on quality management, area in which he had participated and lead many national and international projects. He has several publications in research journal as: Total Quality Management, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, The TQM Magazine, International Journal ofOperations & Management, ....

He has published more than 50 articles in JCR indexed journals, more than 100 contributions in Conferences and more than 10 Research books. His h-index are 25 (WoS), 31 (Scopus) and 47 (Google Scholar). He has received four different research awards. He is one of the co-founders of the International Conference on Quality and Engineering Management (ICQEM). He has been vice-dean at the Polytechnic School and vice-rector for Quality Teaching and the Vice-Rector
for Planning & Quality at the University of Girona. He is currently an international expert for the evaluation of engineering programs in SKVC (Lithuania), A3ES (Portugal), ADEK (Abu Dhabi) and QAC (Hong Kong). He is currently the director of AQU Catalunya (External Quality Agency for Higher Education in Catalonia) and Board Member and Secretariat of INQAAHE's Board (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education). He is also a Board member of the Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the University of Girona.

Evangelista Luiz Roberto

Start date - End date: 01 December 2021 - 31 May 2022
Institution of origin: University of Maringá
PoliTO receiving department: DISAT - Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia
PoliTO coordinator: GIOVANNI BARBERO

Luiz Roberto Evangelista, born in 1958 in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil, received his Ph. D. from University of São Paulo in 1988. He began as Assistant Professor of University of Maringá in 1982 and became Full Professor of Theoretical Physics in 2001.  In the last decades, his scientific career was dedicated to mathematical physics, focusing problems of statistical mechanics and on fundamentals of the elastic continuum theory and surface phenomena, which are crucial to understand the technological applications of liquid-crystalline materials. In the last twenty years, he has also investigated diffusive phenomena (usual and anomalous) in several systems, ranging from complex fluids to chemical and mechanical engineering and physics of condensed matter, pioneering the applications of fractional calculus to the field of impedance spectroscopy.  Recently, he has published a book (the seventh of a series of scientific texts he wrote) that accounts also for these pioneering contributions to this field (Cambridge University Press, 2018).  He has been supervisor of several Ph. D. theses and authored nearly 200 papers in international journals. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Physical Review E (APS) and Nature Scientific Reports. He has been Visiting Professor of Politecnico di Torino (2019-2020).

Start date - End date: 01 March 2022 - 31 May 2022
Institution of origin: University of Zurich
PoliTO receiving department: DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione
PoliTO coordinator: STEFANO SACCHI

Prof. Klaus Armingeon is a political scientist working in the fields of comparative political economy and sociology as well as European integration. In comparative political economy and sociology, his scholarship focuses on questions such as inequality in political participation, interest representation by trade unions, party polarization, corporatism, welfare state development, austerity, liberalization, and redistribution. Prof. Armingeon’s research in European Studies focuses on the interaction between national welfare states and the logics and requirements of European integration. He has been increasingly concerned about the links between rationality and citizens’ political awareness, democratic politics at the elite level, and public policy. Prof. Armingeon is currently working as an associated researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich and a long-term guest professor at the University of Trento. He is also a guest professor at the University of Milan. From 1993-2020, he served as a professor of comparative and European politics at the University of Bern, where he is Professor Emeritus. Over his career, prof. Armingeon has organized several cross-national data sets spanning long time periods. The ‘Comparative Political Data Set’ ( and the ‘Liberalization Data Set’ ( are among them. Prof. Armingeon has been a referee for several grant institutions, including the European Commission, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the German National Science Foundation, the European Science Foundation, the Czech Science Fondation, the Research Council of Norway. He has sat in the editorial boards of several international political science journals, including Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics and the European Journal of Political Research. He was member of the Executive committee of the European Consortium for Political Research, Chair of the Swiss Political Science Association, editor of Swiss Political Science Review, Director of the Istitute of political science and Dean of the faculty of economics and social science at the University of Bern.


Start date - End date: 06 April 2022 - 06 May 2022
Institution of origin: Technion University
PoliTO receiving department: DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione
PoliTO coordinator: LUCA IULIANO

Dr. Popov is Head of Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) Center at Israel Institute of Metals (Technion). Specialist in additive manufacturing (EBM, SLM/SLS, Binder Jetting), associated thermal and other post-processing processes, and development of new materials for AM, including functional materials and functionally graded metal-based and ceramic-based materials. Dr. Popov is an author and lecturer of several academic courses focused on technological, materials, and application aspects of additive manufacturing and 3D printing.


Start date - End date: 02 May 2022 - 26 June 2022
Institution of origin: University of Copenhagen
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio

Lone Søderkvist Kristensen is Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Department for Research at University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management and has more than 20 years of research and teaching experiences in Countryside Planning and Management. She has a master’s degree in horticulture and a PhD in Countryside Planning and Management. Her research topics include landscape changes in agricultural landscapes, farmers’ landscape behavior, agricultural policy, policy integration, agri-environmental policies, spatial planning, participatory and collaborative planning and assessment of planning processes. Participation in EU Framework Projects has been a regularly research activity and she has been leading several bigger national projects on landscape planning and management. In term of management, she has been leader of the research-group ‘Spatial Change and Planning’ and since 2018 functioned as Deputy Head of Department for Research. During the last 10 years, her research has focused on the practice of collaborative and strategic planning targeted rural landscapes. During this work, she has had an intensive collaboration with planning practice in Denmark (Municipality level) and she has edited and co-authored two books on the topic and several articles in international journals. Currently she is engaged in planning projects concerning regional landscapes and the green transition including both the climate and biodiversity crises.

Dressler Falko

Start date - End date: 09 May 2022 - 06 June 2022
Institution of origin: TU Berlin
PoliTO receiving department: DET - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni

Falko Dressler is full professor and Chair for Telecommunication Networks at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, TU Berlin. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Computer Science, University of Erlangen
in 2003. He has been associate editor-in-chief for IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing and Elsevier Computer Communications as well as an editor for journals such as IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, IEEE Trans. on Network Science and
Engineering, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, and Elsevier Nano Communication Networks. He has been chairing conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM, ACM MobiSys, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE VNC, IEEE GLOBECOM. He authored the textbooks
Self-Organization in Sensor&Actor Networks published by Wiley&Sons and Vehicular Networking published by Cambridge University Press. He has been an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer as well as an ACM Distinguished Speaker.
Dr. Dressler is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Distinguished Member. He is a member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering. He has been serving on the IEEE COMSOC Conference Council and the ACM SIGMOBILE
Executive Committee. His research objectives include adaptive wireless networking (sub-6GHz, mmWave, visible light, molecular communication) and wireless-based sensing with applications in ad-hoc and sensor networks, Internet of
Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems.


Start date - End date: 16 May 2022 - 16 July 2022
Institution of origin: Arizona State University
PoliTO receiving department: DIST - Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio

Dr. Sara Meerow is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University in the United States. She is an interdisciplinary scholar working at the intersection of urban planning and geography to make cities more resilient to climate change and other hazards in ways that are sustainable and just. Her problem-driven, collaborative research combines quantitative and qualitative social science methods with spatial analysis in three focus areas: 1) conceptualizations of urban resilience; 2) planning for urban resilience in a changing climate; and 3) green infrastructure to enhance social-ecological resilience. Dr. Meerow’s influential research on urban resilience conceptualizations reveals important distinctions in how resilience is defined by different academic disciplines, practitioners, and the public that suggest that the predominant understanding of resilience as ‘bouncing back’ from disruption is unlikely to foster the transformative changes needed to address urban challenges, including climate change. The definition of urban resilience her and her colleagues proposed and their framework for critically applying the definition in different contexts are among the most highly cited in their respective journals and on the topic of urban resilience. In other work, Dr. Meerow’s examines how cities are translating resilience into practice and whether these plans effectively tackle climate change and systemic injustices while transforming governance. Some of her ongoing research projects focus specifically on planning for resilience to flooding and extreme heat, looking at how these hazards are governed across cities and developing new methodologies for analyzing how different community plans work as a network to shape resilience. Dr. Meerow also researches green infrastructure or nature-based solutions (green roofs, rain gardens, bioswales, etc.) as a widely promoted strategy to enhance resilience. By unpacking the complexities of green infrastructure planning, she equips cities with the tools to plan green infrastructure more strategically and equitably. Dr. Meerow’s research has been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and she has published more than 30 articles in academic journals including Nature, Journal of the American Planning Association, Landscape and Urban Planning, Urban Geography, Environmental Research Letters, and Urban Studies. She has a Ph.D. from the School of Natural Resources and Environment (now the School for Environment and Sustainability) at the University of Michigan, a master’s in international development studies from the University of Amsterdam, and a bachelor’s in political science and history from the University of Florida.

Start date - End date: 29 Maggio 2022 - 05 Giugno 2022
Institution of origin: University
PoliTO receiving department: DENERG - Dipartimento Energia

Francesco Aletta is a researcher currently based in London at the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering. He is a member of the Italian Acoustical Society (AIA) and the Secretary of the Technical Committee Noise of the European Acoustics Association (EAA). He has been active for more than 10+ years in soundscape studies, and environmental acoustics more broadly, with a particular focus on soundscape descriptors and indicators and the harmonization of protocols for gathering perceptual data on acoustic environments. He was recently appointed by the British Standards Institution as Committee Member in the WG 54 “Perceptual assessment of soundscape quality” to work on the development of the ISO 12913 series on soundscape. For this academic visit, Francesco will deliver the workshop "The soundscape approach for supportive and healthy built environments – techniques for field recordings, data collection, and design strategies" for Polito students. Furthermore, this will be used as an opportunity to strengthen the research collaboration with DENERG in soundscape studies, particularly focusing on soundscape attributes translation issues and the topic of soundscapes of historical sites.