Study plan

Due to the strong interdisciplinary nature of the PhD programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering, the PhD Academic Board does not plan any particular teaching restrictions, other than those mentioned by the operating procedures of Politecnico di Torino’s Doctoral School (available in Italian). Particularly, specialized training (Hard Skills) requires minimum 100 hours, while transversal training (Soft Skills) requires minimum 40 hours. This allows students, in agreement with and supported by their supervisors, to build their own Training Programme, attending in full autonomy courses within the ICA PhD programme, courses from other PhD programmes either of Politecnico di Torino or of other universities, to maximize their scientific and transdisciplinary knowledge. 


Building the Training Programme 

Right after the registration, students define with their Supervisor and co-Supervisor their Training Programme consisting of a) the individual research programme and b) a list of level III teaching activities that are complementary to research activities (possibly integrated with level II and in exceptional circumstances with level I courses) which will constitute their study plan. 

To support and facilitate the development of the PhD project, Supervisors, co-Supervisors and PhD students must sign a Declaration of Intent (DoI) as soon as possible (within the first six months) updating it, if necessary, at the beginning of the following two years. Please note that the recognition of external credits is allowed, according to the current Regulations of the Doctoral School. 


Which EXTERNAL training activities can be recognised? 

Training activities attended outside the University are subjected to an authorization procedure, as set out in the Operating Procedures (available in Italian). Foreign languages or foreign cultures courses and professional association courses are not recognised (see PhD Regulations). Up to 30 hours of external teaching activities are recognised, after a final exam. 

External training activities of scientific nature must be approved by the PhD Programme Coordinator. In short, the internal regulation is as follows: 


  1. Level III courses offered by other Italian or foreign universities 

  2. Summer/Winter Schools 

  3. Seminars held by prestigious professors at PoliTo or in other universities 

  4. Short courses and/or in-depth analyses held during conferences 

NOT approved: 

  1. Attendance at conferences or workshops 

  2. Professional Association’s courses (as per PoliTo Regulations) 

  3. Courses for software use* 

  4. Online courses offered by Training Companies* 

*Exceptions are made if explicitly requested in advance by the Supervisor. 

Courses on soft skills attended outside Politecnico di Torino must be pre-emptively approved by the Commission for soft skills courses


Elenco degli insegnamenti 

To facilitate the preparation of the study plan, the list of courses available at the following link (HARD SKILLS COURSES) includes all the courses offered by the ICA PhD. 

Here are the courses available for the academic year 2023/24. 

Course ID Course N. of hours
01TDERW Advanced seismic protection systems for traditional and timber structures 30
01SFHRW Affidabilità e robustezza sismica di strutture isolate con dispositivi ad attrito (FPS) 25
01DMCRW Bayesian inference: examples in civil and environmental engineering 10
02UITRW Circular economy in the building and construction sector 25
01QQXRW Descrizione modellistica dei meccanismi ambientali nell'ambito dell'LCIA (Life Cycle Impact Assessment) 20
01HVJRW Design of sustainable reinforced concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete structures 15
01DMGRW Designing with geosynthetics 12
01TTKRW Elementi di modellistica numerica per flusso multifase nei mezzi porosi sotterranei 30
01DMDRW Energy geostructures 12
05BCPRW Environmental geotechnics 20
01TAARW Failure analysis of brittle structures: finite fracture mechanics 12
01TSXRW Innovative geomatic techniques for structure, infrastructure and environmental monitoring 30
01TSQRW Introduction to robustness and progressive collapse of structures 12
01HVBRW Large-scale atmospheric and oceanic circulations 15
01UIQRW Moto vario nelle condotte in pressione - modellazione e applicazioni 12
01HVARW Nanotechnologies for the remediation of contaminated sites 30
01UIWRW Nonlinear solid mechanics 24
01SFLRW Predictive methods for road safety 15
01REZRW Rockfall protection techniques 15
01DLXRW Structural glass technology and design 15
01DMARW Structural models for the investigation of protein dynamics 15
01QKGRW Monitoraggio strutturale con la tecnica delle emissioni acustiche 14
01SZZRW Tecniche di consolidamento e miglioramento sismico per il patrimonio storico-architettonico 15
01LFWRW Tunneling controls 10
01TTERW Underground energy storage 20
01HUQRW Urban climates: basic concepts and strategies for climate change adaptation 10


Planned courses 2023/2026 

In order to facilitate the preparation of the Training Programme, a list of courses planned for the academic years 2023/25-2025/2026 is given below. Some of the courses available in the table for 2023/2024 will be added to the study plan in the first months of 2024. 

Any additions and/or changes to the study plan, determined by the Academic Board, will be reported on this webpage. 



Tabella dei Corsi 2023/2024-"025/2026