Career opportunities

Due persone che discutono di un progetto

Career opportunities concern all those professional positions that require senior researchers capable of managing, coordinating and creating research and development projects in all the typical fields of civil and environmental engineering. Having acquired expertise both in technical and in managing aspects, the ICA PhD graduates are at the forefront of innovation, having multiple career opportunities ahead of them. 

Many PhD students who attended the programme in the last few years, now have professionally satisfying jobs in public and private institutions: public administration, utility management institutions, companies, research institutions and universities. One year after graduation, the employment rate is over 95%. Approximately one fifth of job position are abroad. About 40% of PhD graduates have continued their university career, having a permanent or fixed-term contract. 

In particular: 

  • INNOVATIVE START-UPS: technology transfer represents a career opportunity, PhD graduates can found a start-up thanks to one of the best university businesses incubators in the world: Incubatore Imprese Innovative (I3P).  

  • INDUSTRY: many ICA activities are carried out in collaboration with innovative companies. The PhD programme acts as a bridge between students and industry careers, both as research and development specialists and in management roles. 

  • ACADEMIA: PhD students live and work in an academic environment, where research and teaching activities coexist. A natural opportunity is to continue one’s career in academia, becoming part of the teaching or research staff, either at Politecnico di Torino or in other institutions, taking advantage of the network of contacts built over the PhD years.