“Roberto Gabetti” Central Library of Architecture - BCA (Biblioteca Centrale di Architettura)

Opening hours and access

Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Library staff

tel.: +39 011-090-6705
fax:  +39 011-090-6798



Cultural area

Art, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture and Outfitting, Design, Drawing, Landscaping, Photography, Civil Engineering, Construction Science and Technology, Urban Planning and Technology, Topography and Cartography, Building Production, Humanities.


Regularly enrolled university students, inter-faculty students, teaching staff, researchers, technical-administrative staff.

The Library admits external users for consultation, subject to deposit of a document.


A thousand volumes, including books and periodicals made up the “first” library of the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Torino in 1958. Prof. Roberto Gabetti became its director, a position he held until 1986, the year the Library System was established. The library occupied two rooms on the third floor of the north-west tower of the Castello del Valentino.

In 1968, the first General Catalogue of Books and Periodicals was published. There were 150 periodicals and 6000 books.
In 1971 there was a move to the two long halls adjacent to the Botanical Garden. The upper hall housed books and periodicals, the ground floor hall housed the Cartographic Section, the Theses Section, and the Piedmont Section, which collected all monographs on the cultural, artistic, architectural and urban history of our Region. 
In 1973, the library acquired archive material, including the professional archive of Carlo Mollino.
In 1982 a new move brought the library to where it is today, in the former aeronautical laboratories (south courtyard).

In those years, director Roberto Gabetti, during the inauguration of the academic year, reiterated that: “The connection between philosophy and technology enters into the training of the architect as fundamental... and since the faculties of architecture have a recent history and since their reorganisation dates back to even more recent decades, 'funds' of historical relevance are lacking in Italian architecture libraries: it is therefore necessary to side the policy of updates with an in-depth analysis of antiquarian catalogues, in order to reform ex-novo those bibliographical references necessary to support ongoing research...” 
So the Library of Architecture is a rich library, capable of stretching thin roots into the past with the acquirement of ancient texts, focused on the present with an almost frantic need to keep up to date with the acquisition of new texts.

In 2008, the library expanded its space in the Manica Nuova (Zanella Hall) and renovated the existing spaces. 

A historical profile of the Library was drawn for the exhibition organised for the acquisition of the “Luca Beltrami” fund, promoted by the head of the Central Library of Architecture Prof. Elena Tamagno. Cf.: Politecnico di Torino. Library System. Central Library of Architecture (BCA), Roberto Gabetti e la Biblioteca di Architettura 1958 - 1988, Turin, Castello del Valentino, 7 July 1988.


Theses from 1 to 12599 can be consulted by request, for a maximum of 4 titles in half a day and a maximum of 8 in the whole day; theses 12600 to 16538 (December 2017) can be consulted on the open shelf in the Sala Zanella (Zanella Hall). As of 2018, theses are no longer stored in hard copy. Reproduction is not permitted, unless explicitly and formally authorised by the author; the library does not contact the author for this purpose and does not provide the author’s personal details.

The collection of periodicals prior to the current year can be consulted by request in the Zanella Hall for a maximum of 4 volumes/files on the half-day and a maximum of 8 on the full day.

Rare and valuable material can be consulted by appointment:
e-mail: bibli.raribca@polito.it

The monographs and periodicals of the FULL Fund can be consulted at the headquarters of the FULL - The Future Urban Legacy Lab Interdepartmental Centre:

c/o OGR Tech, corso Castelfidardo 22

email full@polito.it

Sito web: https://full.polito.it/

The monographs and periodicals of the China Room Fund can be consulted at the China Room Centre in the Castello del Valentino:

email: china.room@polito.it

Sito web: http://chinaroom.polito.it/


When borrowing a book, you accept the BCA’s Lending System Rules (see section below).

All current book material can be borrowed except reference, large format, rare or valuable books.

A maximum of 4 volumes from the Central Library of Architecture may be loaned to each individual user at the same time.

The duration of the loan is 14 days + 14 days for renewal, which must be done at the self-service station or via the web.

A returned book may be borrowed again by the same person only from the second day after its return.

Returning a book in order to immediately take out a copy of the same, is not allowed.

Borrowing several copies of the same book, even in different editions, is not allowed.

A delay in the return of a loaned book of more than three days produces a loan suspension for a number of days equal to the accumulated delay.
After a six-month delay, the student’s career will be blocked at the Student secretariat until the return is made.

The External Loan Service allows users and off-site use of documents held by the library.



  • Internal users

v  The loan service is open to all those who, for various reasons, have an institutional relationship with the Politecnico di Torino and are in possession of a working badge. In particular:

v  Students regularly enrolled on courses at the Politecnico (Engineering and Architecture)

v  Teachers/Lecturers

v  Researchers

v  Doctoral students

v  Research assistants

v  Technical-administrative staff

v  To use the service, you must be in possession of a Politecnico di Torino badge with an active magnetic stripe.

  • External users

The Library admits external users to the consultation service, subject to deposit of a document.

The library is entitled to admit to borrowing those who, although not in possession of a Politecnico badge, need to use the service for study and/or research purposes in collaboration with Politecnico departments.

They are admitted to the service subject to a written request, on headed notepaper, from the Director of the District with which they collaborate, expressly stating the start and end dates of the collaboration.

Those who have to take the State Examination are considered, since they are graduates and therefore no longer students, on a par with external users.


Service delivery modes

To access the service, it is necessary to be in possession of a Politecnico di Torino badge with an active magnetic stripe (duly issued by the GESD). The badge is a personal document and is not transferable to third parties; any misuse or abuse of the document may result in sanctions by the library.

The loan is personal and the user is held responsible in all respects for any damage caused to the borrowed material and its proper storage, and is also liable in the event of theft or loss.

Upon delivery of the material, the user is required to check the integrity and state of preservation of the document and its attachments and to report any problems to the staff.

It is forbidden to underline, annotate, scribble or in any way damage the documents received on loan.

The documents are on personal loan for study and research purposes: the user is obliged to comply with the applicable copyright regulations.

The pick-up service for books in the warehouse always ends 10 minutes before closing time; the loan or return of picked-up documents must take place no later than closing time.


Duration and number of works on loan

Ogni singolo utente può avere in prestito contemporaneamente un massimo di 10 opere, secondo il regolamento di ciascuna biblioteca.

Al momento dell’effettuazione del prestito e della restituzione, sia al banco sia alle postazioni self-service, viene rilasciata una ricevuta . Si consiglia caldamente agli utenti di conservare la ricevuta di prestito sino alla restituzione dello stesso e quella di restituzione fino a 30 giorni dopo l’operazione.

Un documento restituito può essere ripreso in prestito dalla medesima persona solo a partire dal secondo giorno successivo alla restituzione.

Non è ammesso il prestito di una copia del medesimo testo  appena restituito.

Non è ammesso il prestito di due o più copie del medesimo testo.



L’utente ha la possibilità di rinnovare il prestito  presso le postazioni self-service o via web secondo le seguenti modalità:

  • Opere della Biblioteca Centrale di Architettura - durata del rinnovo: 14 giorni
  • Opere dell’EDISU                                       -  durata del rinnovo: 35 giorni   

Il rinnovo può essere effettuato una sola volta per ogni documento in prestito, dopodiché esso dovrà essere restituito.

Il rinnovo deve essere effettuato entro e non oltre l’ultimo giorno di scadenza del prestito.

La durata del rinnovo decorre dal momento in cui esso viene effettuato.

Non si possono rinnovare documenti il cui prestito è già scaduto.

Non si può rinnovare il prestito di un documento se si ha un altro documento il cui prestito è già scaduto.

Non si può rinnovare un prestito se si è nel periodo di esclusione dal prestito e dal rinnovo a causa di un altro documento reso in ritardo.

Non è possibile effettuare il rinnovo tramite e-mail.


Delays in returns

Failure to return the loan by the due date will result in temporary suspension of the user from the loan and renewal service.

Upon return, the late user will be suspended from the loan and renewal service for a period equal to the number of days of delay (e.g. 30 days of delay means 30 days of suspension).

In the event of a serious delay lasting for a period of six months, the library will apply to the GESD for a career block for the latecomer.

Users with delays are notified and invited to make a return with an e-mail to their institutional e-mail address. This e-mail is automatic and managed by the server, so there is no need to reply to it.

A delay of up to three days is considered minor. In this case, despite the delay, one is allowed to immediately borrow other documents upon return. At the same time, upon return with a slight delay, one has the chance to renew other texts that are still on loan (provided they have not already expired in the meantime).


Damage and loss of works

In the event of loss or damage of a book received on loan or for consultation, the user is obliged to replace the book.

In the event of theft of a book received on loan, the user must submit a copy of the report to the judicial authorities and arrange for the work to be replaced.

A user who is responsible for repeated loss of or damage to works received for consultation or borrowing may be permanently excluded from library services.


Works excluded from the loan

The following works are excluded from the loan:

  • Periodicals
  •  antique books 
  •  encyclopaedias
  • dictionaries
  • theses
  • doctoral theses
  • any work whose circulation restriction is deemed necessary by the library due to special requirements

In Central Engineering Library or dictionaries and encyclopaedias, the exclusion from lending does not apply to older editions that the Library may possess.

I prestiti dei libri sono rinnovabili solo una volta. L’operazione di rinnovo deve essere fatta entro la data di scadenza dei prestiti stessi, al banco della BCA, alla postazione di autoprestito, sul sito web di PICO.

Dalla pagina principale di PICO http://pico.polito.it  effettuare il login cliccando sull'icona in alto a destra. Nella sezione Area personale vengono mostrati i Prestiti attivi. Cliccare su Rinnova tutti per rinnovarli tutti insieme, oppure su Rinnova selezionati dopo aver scelto i prestiti di cui si vuole chiedere il rinnovo.

Il rinnovo di 14 giorni decorre dal giorno in cui lo si richiede.

Cliccare sempre su Scollegati al termine delle operazioni.

Archive books (A/)

Ancient (from/to)

Rare (d/)

Large format rarities (dg/)

Large format rare, in a folder (dgc/)

References (r/)

Large formats (g/)

Periodicals and Rare Magazines

Dissertations (Theses)

CD-ROMs, DVDs labelled BLU

The Archives section of the Roberto Gabetti Central Library of Architecture holds important document funds that testify to the professional activity and architectural culture of the 20th century in Turin and Piedmont. Particular mention should be made of the following funds: Berlanda Franco, Bertone Felice, Dezzutti Mario, Dolza Francesco, Fasana and Abbate, Gabetti Roberto, Hutter Sergio, Jaretti Sergio, Morbelli Aldo, Mollino Carlo, Mollino Eugenio, Morelli Domenico, Napione Paolino, Salvestrini Gino, Società Nazionale Officine di Savigliano, Varaldo Giuseppe.

Photographic reproductions of a selection of maps of Turin and Piedmont enrich the collection of original document sources, providing an important tool for teaching and research.

The funds are filed and their description is accessible online at:



The section can be accessed by appointment from Monday to Friday.

email: archivi@polito.it

tel. + 39 011090-6704

+ 39 3666274228