Open Science

Open Science is an approach to the scientific process and dissemination of knowledge that wants to enhance the aspects of collaboration, sharing and transparency, thanks to the use of digital technologies. Originating from international movements aimed at promoting the principles of equity and pluralism, accessibility and inclusion, integrity and transparency of scientific knowledge, it is now recognized as having a strategic value for the valorization of research results also with a view to technology transfer and innovation.   

The Politecnico di Torino supports Open Science with actions aimed at spreading its culture and developing tools and services for its implementation, in line with European and national policies. The scope of Open Science is particularly broad and only partially defined, since the potential impact of digital technologies on the scientific process is not limited to the dimension of sharing the “research output” but includes also methodologies and infrastructures, knowledge dissemination and exploitation, and metasearch, extending to the evaluation of the research itself. 

This section of the site, constantly updated and enriched, presents information and resources regarding the most common practices of Open Science, so that the different disciplinary souls of the scientific community of the Politecnico di Torino can identify and implement, and potentially innovate and develop, those that are most akin to them, contributing to the progress of the whole University.  

You will especially find useful tools and guidelines for open access to publications and proper research data management according to the relevant University Policies, as well as all useful contacts within the Politecnico and links to events, initiatives and projects related to Open Science. 


For more information on the topic, please refer to the portal, a reference point for the Italian speaking scientific community (but with also an English version) on issues related to Open Science, Open Access and in general innovations in academic and scientific communication.