Library staff
- Marino Dansero - Manager
tel.: 011-090 6712
fax: 011-090 6799
All fields of engineering, physical-mathematical sciences, engineering economics, architecture, popular science.
Students regularly enrolled in the university’s faculties (Engineering and Architecture) and courses at the Politecnico, teaching and non-teaching staff. The Library admits external users to the consultation service, subject to deposit of a document.
- loan service, thesis consultation by appointment
- user training and education activities
- reference library
- self-service photocopier with prepaid card
- wifi
The origins of the Central Engineering Library are intertwined with those of the Politecnico di Torino, which was founded in 1905 through the merger of the Royal Industrial Museum (Regio Museo Industriale) with the School of Applications for Engineers (Scuola d’Applicazione per gli Ingegneri). A number of texts from the libraries of these institutions remain as evidence of the cultural and scientific life of the 19th century.
After the foundation of the Politecnico, the Engineering Library was housed in Via dell’Ospedale, while the Architecture section was housed in the Castello del Valentino. During the air raid of 8 December 1942, the site in Via dell’Ospedale was completely destroyed: of the 45,000 volumes stored there, only a small part was recovered, then temporarily housed in the Castello del Valentino.
The damage was estimated at 66 million lire at the time.
The few remaining texts form the original core of today’s library, located in the building constructed in the 1950s in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi.
A careful policy of acquisitions and numerous donations made it possible to fill the gaps occurred during the war and to keep the collections in line with the latest scientific discoveries.
When borrowing a book, you accept the BCI Lending System Rules (see section below).
All current library material can be borrowed.
A maximum of 4 volumes from the Central Engineering Library can be loaned to each user at the same time, to which a maximum of 2 books from EDISU can be added.
The duration of the loan is as follows:
loanable material from the Central Engineering Library: up to a maximum of 14 days.
A loan can be renewed for a further 14 days.
EDISU books: up to a maximum of 35 days.
A loan can be renewed for a further 35 days.
Loan renewals can be made directly at the self-service desk or via the web (see section How to renew a book loan).
It is not possible to renew loans by telephone or email.
A returned book may be borrowed again by the same person only from the second day after its return.
Returning a book in order to immediately take out a copy of the same, is not allowed.
Periodicals and books available for consultation only may not be borrowed.
The simultaneous loan of two copies of the same book is not permitted.
A delay in the return of a loaned book of more than three days produces a loan suspension for a number of days equal to the accumulated delay.
After a three-month delay, the student’s career will be blocked at the Student secretariat until the return is made.