Corporate donations

Reciprocity: a win for each stakeholder

Stretta di mano

Businesses have always been a substantial part of the Politecnico's activities, in a relationship of mutual exchange and enrichment, through a wide range of collaboration opportunities.

  • On the one hand, the University contributes with its multi-service research and consultancy activities to solving even complex business problems, as well as developing partnership opportunities on challenging and innovative research projects.
  • On the other hand, companies and their know-how represent a valuable pool for the enrichment of training courses and can contribute substantially to the University's development goals in system innovation, benefiting from the impact it will have on the productive fabric of the territory and the country.

“Impact” is a key word in the University’s strategic vision: it means tangible spin-offs and results for the region, its businesses and the community.

Companies can also be an increasingly active part of the polytechnic community by supporting the University and its development projects with tax-privileged donations, or through sponsorships for events and initiatives of particular interest.

You can make a donation by contacting us in order to define a more personalised action in favour of Politecnico.

Tax benefits for companies

Politecnico di Torino also supports its activities through liberal donations, guaranteeing those who donate tax benefits and transparency in the management of the funds raised.

Individuals and companies can access various forms of tax relief.

The tax system grants tax benefits to taxpayers, fiscally resident in Italy, who make donations to the Politecnico.

It should be noted that the following indications are purely informational and each situation must be thoroughly investigated by the donor with respect to the tax benefits arising from the donation.

Donations made by companies (whether individually or collectively) and commercial and non-commercial entities, as opposed to those made by natural person taxpayers (who are not businesses), always constitute a deductible cost where the rules so provide.

Tax deductibility, whether total or partial, is a matter of considerable importance as it determines – in fact – a greater or lesser impact of the disbursement itself in terms of tax savings.

According to the legislation currently in force, the deductibility margin granted by the legislator is modulated according to the characteristics of the entity receiving the donations and/or the activities carried out by the latter, as well as according to the destination of the donations, but also according to the subjective conditions of the donor.

The reference legislation for disbursements aimed at supporting research by IRES entities (corporations, commercial entities, non-commercial entities) is Article 1, paragraphs 353 and 354 of Law No. 266 of 23 December 2005.

Donations made by companies to the University are also deductible, for an overall amount not exceeding 2% of the declared business income.
Reference regulations: Article 100, paragraph 2, letter a, of the Consolidated Income Tax Law, Decree of the President of the Republic 917/1986.