Japan Hub

© Mauro Volpiano
© Mauro Volpiano

For many years, Politecnico di Torino has maintained strong connections with Japan, which is a crucial country in terms of scientific research. It has many challenges shared with Italy, such as the management of environmental risks or the valorisation of its historical heritage. Politecnico di Torino has approved the creation of a PoliTo Japan Hub to consolidate this experience with a country with a stable and excellent reputation.

The Japan Hub intends to coordinate, promote and strengthen the university's activities in the fields of teaching, research and, especially, the third mission, also for the benefit of its local area and country. 

The Japan Hub, as an international flagship project for the university, has an independent location in Kyoto to connect with the growing network of Japanese partners. The Hub relies on ongoing, structured collaboration with Italian experts who have been residents of Japan for many years. 

Logo JapanHub

The Japan Hub:

  • strengthens the current most important academic collaborations, leading to the definition of new agreements, especially at Ph.D. level; 
  • regards Japan as an international testing ground for a new educational model of contamination between polytechnic disciplines and the sciences of Man and Society;
  • acts as a promoter and encourager of industrial and business collaborations between Italy and Japan, working in synergy with the Piedmontese innovation ecosystem;
  • drafts position papers and joint concept studies on strategic topics for the two countries, supporting policies in the fields of innovation, planning, culture;
  • establishes its brand in the Japanese territory, by promoting the most outstanding results.
Castello del Valentino
Castello del Valentino



Japan Hub Office in Kyoto
Japan Hub Office in Kyoto

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Italy-Japan Conversations on Science and Technology

In the framework of Biennale Tecnologia

"Italy-Japan Conversations" is a series of seven dialogues, showing ongoing collaboration on shared challenges, namely: industrial and service robotics, development of new materials, prevention of natural disasters, preservation of landscape heritage, social innovation in rural areas, in urban planning and design. 

Developed by Japan Hub@Polito (Curator: Claudia Cassatella), under the Patronage of the General Consulate of Japan in Milan.