PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020

FSE REACT-EU, PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 - Innovation and Green PhDs


Through the PON reprogramming that took place in 2021, the European Commission aimed to "promote overcoming the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and prepare for a green, digital, and resilient economic recovery."

With Ministerial Decree of August 10, 2021, no. 1061, new FSE REACT-EU resources were allocated for active and accredited PhD programs within the XXXVII cycle and for national PhD programs.

The additional resources financed:

  • Action IV.4 - PhDs and research contracts on innovation topics


To promote research activities on digital innovation and enabling technologies topics and to support the enhancement of human capital as a determining factor for the development of research and innovation in Italy.

  • Action IV.5 - PhDs on green topics


To enhance human capital to engage in PhD programs focused on ecosystem conservation, biodiversity, reducing the impacts of climate change, and promoting sustainable development.

Financial Support

All information regarding the resources made available for the selection and allocation of additional PhD scholarships on Innovation and Green topics is available at the Ministry website.

Expected results

Number of funded PhD scholarships:

  • Innovation: 4      
  • Green: 46

Activities carried out with the co-financing of the European Union – FSE REACT-EU PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020.

For more info: www.ponricerca.gov.it