Programme overview
The course aims to scientifically and professionally train experts in processes and technologies for research, production, and development of both structural and functional materials in a wide range of sectors, with reference to ceramics, polymers, metals, composites, and nano-structured materials, as well as materials for additive manufacturing and energy storage. Attention is also given to training in synthesis and processing methods, characterization, analysis, modeling and simulation.
During the three years of the course, Ph.D. candidates are engaged of exploring the cultural aspects related to Materials Science and Technology, with the help of specific training activities to have a deep knowledge of materials in terms of their structure-properties relationships, design, manufacturing processes and processing, characterization techniques, corrosion and degradation, conservation, restoration and recycling, industrial applications, biomedical applications, materials for energy conversion and storage, materials for environmental protection, materials for adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, and additive manufacturing.
Emphasis is also given to the study of material surface properties (in relation and comparison with bulk properties) and the chemical and electrochemical reactions taking place there, electrochemical processes and technologies. In pursuing these objectives, mainly experimental methodologies (advanced synthesis and characterization techniques) combined with simulation and development of theoretical models are used.
Periods of training abroad at universities, research centers and industries are strongly recommended and encouraged by the faculty, as is participation in both national and international schools and conferences. Finally, alongside purely disciplinary training, the Doctoral School offers training activities aimed at the development of soft skills useful for the needs of the job market after the doctorate.
Type of programme:
PhD programme -
Vice coordinator:
Open, through competitive selection