Career opportunities

The transversal nature of the competences of the PhDs in Materials Science and Technology offers professional opportunities in the fields of research (both public and private) and development in any area of industrial production, either in Italy or abroad.

The strong and close collaborations with leading companies in the various sectors of the development of innovative and functional materials and related devices, at regional, national and European levels, represent an important professional opportunity for the young research doctors. The creation of spin-offs represents a further opportunity, an exemplary case of how the technology that arises from the research of university laboratories is first protected under the profile of intellectual property, then turns into a business reality and, finally, becomes interesting for the market.  

Some of the foreseen employment opportunities are:         

  • research and teaching in Italian/foreign Universities;             
  • research in Italian/foreign research centres (for instance, CNR);             
  • industrial sectors implying high-level expertizes in the research and development of innovative materials, as well as industrial production.

"You can't hope for a better world without improving the individuals".

This Marie Sklodowska Curie’s statement encloses the spirit of the European program for mobility and enhancement of young researchers named after the great Franco-Polish scientist: the program finances the realization of research projects with high innovative content and excellence in any scientific area through the international and inter-sectoral mobility of young doctoral students/researchers who have the opportunity to live an international experience that has proved invaluable for their career and the continuation of research work. The Course of Materials Science and Technology is very active in this regard, and carries out constant incentives and support for participation in the Marie Curie program (both individual and collaborative-industrial), as well as European research programs and projects in Horizon 2020, from COST, to FET and ERC. To be updated about our initiatives, please visit our Facebook page