Advisory Board

Functions of the Consultation Committee:

Analysis of the training and research project of the PhD programme and of their results (scientific production, employability, etc.)


Improvement suggestions:

The Consultation Committee meets annually, in the period November - December.


Composition of the Consultation Committee:

  • Simona Ceccia - Michelin - Clermont-Ferrand, Tire manager Designer
  • Julio A. Abusleme - Solvay Specialty Polymers, Principal Senior Researcher 
  • Martin Schwentenwein - Lithoz GmbH, Austria, Direttore Tecnico di Lithoz 
  • Sergio Maiandi - Lavazza Group, Materials & Laboratories Manager 
  • Marco Orlandi - BSCCB-Brembo, Material Development Manager 
  • Sandra Schlögl - Polymer Competence Center Leoben, Ricercatrice 
  • Marco Allara - Avio Aero, Section Manager