Programme overview
This unique educational path in Italy and in Europe will develop your interdisciplinary competencies, combining engineering techno-applicative skills with the typical aspects of the environment of communication and cultural industries.
You will thus become an engineer of cinema and communication, with knowledge about social sciences, media, cinema, marketing. You will be able apply and experiment these competencies by exploring information engineering tools: programming languages, computer graphics, 3D modeling, sound design.
Bachelor's degree -
Academic Year:
2024/2025 -
Italian, First year in English, English -
Capped number of students, mandatory admission test -
Academic advisor:
Degree code:
Main Campus
Our teachers
The teaching staff has a strong interdisciplinary identity, computer and social sciences teachers dialogue with teachers for digital creative planning (for cinema and for all media chains).
Many teachers are professionals who bring their experience in the field and their professional networks within the course of study and in favor of male and female students.
Some teachers are Cinema Engineering graduates who have embarked on a brilliant professional career and who continue to collaborate with us.
Why Cinema and Media Engineering?
To work in the media environment and address the innovation challenges that affect companies and new digital production contexts.
Students services
For Offices access and opening times visit the dedicated webpage.
Online ticketing
- Students and graduates from Politecnico di Torino (with username and password)
- Log in for users registered to Apply@polito (with username and password)
- Guest users – FAQs and tickets (registration not required)