
PORTO@Iris is the Politecnico’s institutional repository of documents in electronic format deriving from the academic community’s scientific activity.

The University’s policy, in force since 1 October 2014, stipulates that Politecnico di Torino lecturers, researchers and collaborators feed the University’s open access institutional archive by depositing the products of scientific research in it.

Porto@Iris enables the self-archiving of bibliographic data and publication annexes, guaranteeing their preservation and perpetual access.

Each product, with or without attachments, is assigned a persistent identifier (handle).

The storage of products in Iris enables the fulfilment of MIUR career and evaluation requirements (VQR, ASN and internal evaluations) and Open Access requirements for European and national projects.

Publications relating to research carried out under the Horizon 2020 programme on Porto@Iris are automatically collected and deposited (avoiding double data entry) in OpenAire,, the repository created by the European Commission listing all publications produced under the FP7 and H2020 programmes.

For a guide to using IRIS, see the following links.

How to insert attachments in Porto@Iris

Authors, after creating the bibliographic record in Iris, must upload the attachments of their contributions.

For all Open Access attachments, a cover is generated upon viewing, which shows the bibliographic references of the publication and any statements required by the publishers.

The bibliographic entries in Iris and their attachments are validated by the Open Access Group.

The publications resulting from the research activity can be:


They are published in journals that normally carry an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), the code assigned to a journal and which identifies it internationally.

Book chapters and books

Every text published by a recognised publisher bears an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) that uniquely identifies it internationally.


Conference proceedings published by a publisher may variously bear an ISSN number, an ISBN number or sometimes both.


Enter in “Other” all documents that have not been published by a publisher:

slides, databases, software, drawings...


Patents have an embargo of 18 months from the priority date (the filing date of the first patent application). 

Doctoral theses

As stated in the University’s Open Access Policy, authors are required to deposit their doctoral theses in Open Access under Creative Commons Licences. In case the author needs to delay its visibility, he/she may set an embargo date that should not exceed 12 months. Further exceptions to this time period may be granted by the OA Committee after consultation with the Board of the PhD School.

For all types use the PDF format.

Exception for the Other type, where open formats can be used: PDF, RTF, ODT, TeX, HTML, JPEG, PNG.

Pre-print/Submitted Version

Unpublished scientific article or article submitted to a journal but not yet approved by a peer review board (pre-refereeing).

Post-print/Author’s Accepted Manuscript

Post-refereeing version without editorial layout (page numbering, pricing, logo and copyright)

Post-print editorial version/Version if record

Copy of the published version; Author’s copy also falls under this definition.

Include in this typology any other type of published document, including its parts (e.g. chapter of a book).


Summary of the conceptual content of a document.

Other material attached

Indexes, tables, graphs, images, preliminary parts of the text (cover page, title page, index, bibliography) and any other type of document or part of document not covered by the above definitions.

Any other type of non-edited document can be placed here (slides, databases, software, artefacts, prototypes, cartography...).

Caricamento allegati

To find out whether a publisher allows open access deposit, possibly after an embargo period, of an article in an institutional repository, please consult the .SHERPA-RoMEO site (see the window that opens on the right when inserting attachments in Iris) where you can find the policies of the major publishers, especially from the English speaking regions.

You can search by journal title, ISSN number or by publisher.

If the publisher is NOT present on Sherpa/Romeo

  • Check the publisher’s website for the open access policy
  • You can send a letter of interest to the publisher to request permission to archive your contribution on PORTO@IRIS

You can also consult the Publishers’ Policy page which, in a concise and straightforward manner, sets out the policies of many publishers with whom the Politecnico researchers publish.


Visible to all

Choose the “Visible to all” option to make the attachment visible for open access on PORTO@IRIS


Choose the “Embargo” option to postpone the visibility of the attachment.

Many publishers require authors to set an embargo period, of varying lengths, before they can make their publications available in open access. Some have embargo periods that vary from journal to journal: ElsevierOxford University Press and Taylor & Francis have prepared a list of journals with embargoes.

Enter the end date of the embargo calculated from the first date of online publication

In the section: Licence Type choose the option: Public - All rights reserved or CC Licences. The distribution licence is public but the article remains restricted until the expiry date of the embargo when it will automatically be made visible on Porto@Iris.

Archive managers only

Choose this option when you cannot make the attachment visible in open access on PORTO@IRIS.


The choice of the type of licence implies verification by the author of the editorial policies to which the attachment is subject in accordance with the contractual agreements with the publisher.

Non-public - private/restricted access

Choose the “Not Public” option if you cannot make the attachment visible for open access on PORTO@IRIS.
The publication will still be visible on PORTO@IRIS for the author and co-authors of the product, for the system administrators and the members of the evaluation commissions


Choose the “Public” option to make your contribution visible on PORTO@IRIS (even if embargoed).

According to your contract with the publisher you can specify:

  • All rights reserved: Implies that all rights to the publication have been transferred to the publisher, at the time of the conclusion of the publication contract, which, however, allows a certain version of the publication to be made OA or reserved for oneself by the author
  • Creative Commons Licences (CC): With Creative Commons Licences, the author can define which rights to transfer to the users of his intellectual work, according to the “some rights reserved” model. In order to be able to use CC licences, the authors must have reserved all rights for themselves or there must be an agreement with the publisher to be able to release a certain version of their publication with CC Licences.

Public domain: Product that is not, or no longer, protected by copyright and is therefore freely downloadable and usable.



Transfer to the site - teacher LoginMIUR

Editorial PDFs should preferably be sent to MIUR. Doctoral theses are not transferred to MIUR.

Attention: the Teacher Site only accepts PDF files smaller than 10 Mb. For larger files, please split the attachment into several files or indicate “no” as the upload choice.


The Notes field offers the possibility of indicating to the Open Access Group any information about the inserted paper, especially if the publisher does not list a policy on its site, but the author knows he/she can make his/her attachment OA (according to his/her contract with the publisher or following a letter of request sent by the author).
