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Ebook Central

Description: Offers the possibility to browse titles from various publishers covering the last 5 years. The collection is constantly updated, replacing old titles with new ones.
Contents: Collections: a total of 35,000 e-books.

  • Computers and IT
  • Engineering and Technology
  • The Arts e-book collection


Download: 60 pages can be downloaded, subject to registration by clicking on “Sign-In”.

Access to the resource


ELSEVIER e-books

Description: Package of 401 e-books from the publisher Elsevier in the areas of engineering, especially electronics, mechanics and chemistry, energy, mathematics, materials science and physics and astronomy.
Access: Documents for which the full text is available are marked by the green box with horizontal lines.
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


ELSEVIER Major Reference Works

Description: Science encyclopaedias from the publisher Elsevier
Contents: go to title list.
Access: Documents for which the full text is available are marked with a green box with horizontal lines.
Download: downloading and printing are allowed for personal, non-commercial use.

Access to the resource


WILEY Encyclopaedias

Description: 7 encyclopaedias from the publisher Wiley

Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


ICE e-books

Description: Package of about 1550 e-books from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the area of civil engineering. 
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


Il Mulino - Darwinebooks

Description: Digital archive of Mulino books. It provides about 1000 research texts by Italian authors, published in print between 2000 and the current year, organised in disciplinary collections (humanities and social sciences).

Access: Allowed: reading and downloading of the full text of the texts in the collection
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


KNOVEL e-books

Description: Interdisciplinary e-book package.
Contents: over 8600 e-books, continuously updated
Access: Documents for which the full text is available are those not marked with a padlock.
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource



Description: 6 series of Lecture Notes from the publisher Springer:

Access: documents for which the full text is not available are padlocked. Accessibility from 1997 to date
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


REFEREX Engineering

Description: E-book package from the publisher Elsevier.
Contents: Collections: Materials and Mechanical - Electronics and Electrical - Chemical, Petrochemical and Processes.
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


SPRINGER e-books

Description: A package of 13,373 e-books from the publisher Springer-Kluwer of titles published between 2005 and 2010. The titles cover different subject areas in science and the humanities.
Contents: Includes the Computer Science collection. The collection is constantly being updated.
Access: Documents for which the full text is not available are marked with a padlock.
Download: Full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource


Taylor and Francis e-books

Description: Package of 99 e-books from the publisher Taylor and Francis on the “Built environment” section;

Package of 120 e-books from the publisher Taylor and Francis on “Architecture and Design”: title analysis

Access: Allowed: read and download the full text of the texts in the section.

Access to the resource


Torrossa. EIO - Editoria Italiana Online

Description: Italian academic publications in the humanities and social sciences; digital publications from over 90 prestigious academic publishers (e.g. Franco Angeli and Zanichelli)

Contents: 572 e-books, continuously updated

Download: downloadable documents in .PDF format for 14 days.

Access to the resource


WILEY e-books

Description: E-book package from the publisher Wiley in the area of electrical, mechanical, energy, chemical and mathematical engineering.
Contents: go to title list.
Access: Documents for which the full text is available are marked with an open padlock.
Download: full text of each individual title.

Access to the resource