
Documents for students and tutors/co-tutors

The PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering has adopted internal rules and policies that integrate the University regulations on specific aspects that are not defined at a centralized level and pertain, in particular, the participation in the Academic Board, its composition and organizational procedures, the annual evaluation of students, and the appointment of tutors/co-tutors. Rules and policies are reviewed and updated upon solicitation and after proper discussion in the Academic Board. The reference document is available at this link.

The set of slides that are used in the welcome meetings organized for the students of each new cycle during which these internal rules and policies are illustrated are available at this link for the 38th cycle (meeting held on November 8, 2022 and later repeated for the extraordinary session), this link for the first and second admission session of the 39th cycle (meeting held on November 10, 2023), and at this link for the latest session of the 39th cycle (meeting held on Match 6, 2024).

The details of the yearly review process are described in the document available at this link (together with the administrative aspects available at this link). The PowerPoint template to be used by students for the annual review is available at this link.

The minimum requirements set by the Academic Board of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering and verified for the admission to the next year/to the final exam are illustrated in detail in the document available at link.

A document has also been created to illustrate the criteria defined by the Academic Board for the recognition of online courses.

Finally, a document is available that integrates the description of the procedure for the final exam defined at the University level with requirements and instructions specifically defined for the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering. The document, which is available at this link, is complemented by a set of slides that are presented to the students who are close to the end of their path (on November 8, 2022 for the 35th cycle, on December 4, 2023 for the 36th cycle). The slides are available at this link for the 35th cycle and this link for the 36th cycle.

Each student and each tutor/co-tutor is required to know and comply with what reported in the above documentation.



Academic Board documentation

The Academic Board members of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering can access the minutes of the meetings and related documentation at this link. Authentication will be required using the official login credentials of the institutional Politecnico di Torino account.

Committees and working groups

Committee/Working Group Members Roles/Tasks



Prof. P. Garza

Prof. F. Lamberti

Prof. G. Marchetto

Prof. A. Sanna

Prof. M. Torchiano                        

It deals with activities related to the periodic review of objectives as well as the research and training program of the PhD program, accreditation, benchmarking, and continuous dialogue with the Advisory board.


Rationalization of procedures and tools

Prof. A. Benso

Prof. M. Mellia

It deals with activities related to the continuous verification of the adequacy of the Academic Board procedures and related tools in relation to various needs (e.g., for collecting research proposals, periodic reviews of PhD candidates' activities, etc.), as well as their evolution with a view to optimization and simplification.


Awards and incentive guidelines

Prof. E. Baralis

Prof. G. Marchetto

Prof. L. Sterpone

Prof. T. Tommasi

It deals with activities related to the definition/update of guidelines for the allocation of quality awards, excellence labels, and possible incentive actions for PhD candidates and tutors/co-tutors.



Prof. P. Garza

Prof. S. Vinco
It deals with activities related to updating the training offer (verification of adequacy and consistency, scheduling of courses), defining study plans, and managing teaching collaborations assigned to PhD candidates.


Awards and honors

Prof. M. Rebaudengo

Prof. L. De Russis

Prof. M. Torchiano

It deals with activities related to the awarding of quality and other prizes.



Prof. L. Ardito

Prof. V. Gatteschi

Prof. G. Marchetto

Prof. E. Sanchez       

Prof. G. Urgese

It deals with activities related to the review/verification of adequacy and consistency of research topics for the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering at the level of macro-areas and individual topics proposed to potential candidates and PhD candidates


Communication and events

Prof. A. Calimera

Prof. S. Fosson

Prof. V. Gatteschi

It deals with activities related to managing the web pages and social media channels of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering, collecting/preparing/using materials for its promotion (e.g., videos, posters, etc.), and organizing events (e.g., in collaboration with the working group responsible for the DAUIN PhD Day).



Prof. L. Ardito

Prof. G. Urgese
It deals mainly with activities related to preparing reports that are useful for the Academic Board of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering and the Department of Control and Computer Engineering for the implementation of their strategies.

Working group


Prof. T. Cerquitelli

Prof. G. Marchetto

Prof. P. Montuschi

Prof. D. Regruto

Prof. L. Sterpone

Prof. R. Sisto

It deals with activities related to the revision of the regulations of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering according to the standard template approved by the University's governing bodies in January 2024, starting from the Academic Board regulations and other documents regulating the conduct of various activities (members of the Academic Board, tutors/co-tutors, and PhD candidates) already available.



(40th cycle)

Prof. C. E. Casetti

Prof.ssa S. A. Chiusano

Prof. M. Violante

It is responsible for the comparative evaluation procedures of candidates who have submitted their application for admission to the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering. It consists of at least three members chosen among tenured university professors, paying attention to gender balance. It is appointed by the Rector, upon consultation with the Department Council, from a list of names proposed by the Academic Board of the PhD program.

Working group


Dr. A. Cannavò

Dr. A. Ruospo

Dr. F. Valenza
It supports the Academic Board of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering in organizing the DAUIN PhD Day event.

Advisory board

Members list

Composed of a list of representatives from external stakeholders (companies, research organizations, public bodies, and alumni, both in Italy and abroad), it is involved by the Academic Board in the design of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering.


Quality awards

Since few years, the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering established several quality awards for the best students at the end of the second year (1200 euros) and third year (2500 euros). The guidelines defined by the Academic Board for the assignment of the awards are described in this document.

The beneficiaries of the 2023 awards for the 36th cycle are ARNAUDO Edoardo, COLOMBA Luca, DAGHERO Francesco, DE LORENZIS Federico, DE VIZIA Claudia, DELIGIANNIS Nikolaos, GUERRERO BALAGUERA Juan David, MARCEDDU Antonio Costantino; for the 35th cycle, the beneficiaries are BORZI’ Luigi, BRINGHENTI Daniele, CALANDRA Davide, DE SIO Corrado.

Students in the third year are invited to produce a video presenting their research results and their path. The videos of the 2023 Edition are available at this link. The videos produced since 2015 are collected at this link.

PhD Day

All the students who are completing the second and third year present the state of their research in the context of the PhD Day, formerly PhD Poster Day, organized at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) with the support of Dr. Sarah Azimi, Dr. Alberto Cannavò, Dr. Fulvio Valenza and the Department administrative staff. 

Each student prepares a poster (and possibly also a demo) and presents it during the event to colleagues, professors and invited attendees from industries, research centers, etc. The students who are completing the third year are also invited to prepare a video summarizing their activities. 

Posters and videos prepared in the 2023 edition can be accessed through the page dedicated to the event. The material related to previous editions collected since 2016 is available at this link.