The PhD formative offer consists of the hard skill courses offered by the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering, listed at this link, and soft skill courses offered by the Doctoral School of Politecnico di Torino, at this link. This offer is integrated by Guest lectures, by courses offered by other PhD programs, by schools and online courses. The offer is updated annually based on consultation/benchmarking activities and coherence/sustainability criteria, and is approved according to the rules of the Doctoral School. The complete list of hard skills courses that will be offered in the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years is available at this link.
In the annual evaluation for the admission to the next year/to the final exam, the Academic Board of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering verifies first of all that some minimum requirements regarding the training activity and the research activity defined in the document at this link are met.
Specifically, regarding the training activity, the Academic Board verifies that, at the end of each year, the student achieved an acceptable number of hours on hard skill and soft skill courses and that, for hard skill courses, subjects are coherent with his or her research topic.
With respect to the study plan, which for the students of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering has requirements in terms of number of hours aligned with those set by the Doctoral School of Politecnico di Torino (100 hours on hard skill courses and 40 hours on soft skill courses in the three years), in the welcome meeting organized for the students of each new cycle it is recalled that it is preferable to achieve approximately 50% of the hours in the first year and the remaining hours by the end of the second year. Starting from the 39th cycle, the students are requested to achieve at least 60 out of the 100 hard skill hours on courses offered by the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering. The slides used in the meeting (held on November 8, 2022 for the 38th cycle, and later repeated for the extraordinary session) are available at this link.
As illustrated in the welcome meeting mentioned above and described in the documentation used therein (available at this link), at the beginning of the first year each student defines, in agreement with the tutor, the list of courses constituting his or her study plan.
Courses can be chosen from the offer described above, as well as from the catalogue of first and second level courses of Politecnico di Torino. External training activities and online courses which envisage an exam/a final examination are recognized according to the official regulations of the Doctoral School of Politecnico di Torino and of the specific criteria established by the Academic Board.
Starting from the Academic Year 2022-23, the Academic Board adopted a unified calendar for the planning of the lectures for the hard skill courses belonging to the training offer of the PhD program in Computer and Control Engineering. Calendar is also shared using email addresses of both students and teaching staff.