The curriculum is designed to provide core competencies in:
- Mathematical modelling, aimed at finding the most suitable mathematical model to describe applicative problems and analyse their solutions from both a qualitative and a quantitative point of view;
- Numerical simulation, for the application of the latest scientific computation methods to intractable problems;
- Probability and statistics, applied to solving non-deterministic problems, i.e. managing and interpreting experimental data with a strong component of uncertainty and variability;
- Engineering, for the acquisition of broad engineering skills to be appliedto various fields and problems (engineering, industrial and information).
After taking the core courses, you will be able to choose between two specialist tracks: Mathematical modelling and numerical simulationb and Statistical and optimization methods.
At the end of the programme, you will take a final examinationbased on the preparation of an original thesis project, possibly carried out in a Polito department or laboratory or atan external company.
The Master’s degree programme is taught both in Italian and in English.
You will take part in face-to-face lectures, practical classes in the classroom or in the computer lab with the use of software. You will also work on specific projects - individually or in small groups – and on business case studies.
Vieni a scoprire il percorso di Laurea in Ingegneria Matematica ed i suoi orientamenti al PoliTO Open Days Lauree Magistrali 2024, nelle seguenti giornate:
- 27 maggio 2024, dalle ore 11:45 alle ore 13:45 (Energy Center): Dati e modelli: i due volti dell’Ingegneria Matematica
- 30 maggio 2024, dalle ore 18:00 alle ore 18.30 (evento in streaming): Presentazione del corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Matematica
- 10 Giugno 2024, alle ore 10:00 (Aula Buzano): Presentazione del Percorso di Studi "Crittografia e Sicurezza". Maggiori informazioni alla pagina
Per visualizzare il programma completo dei PoliTO Open Days Lauree Magistrali 2024, visita il sito ufficiale
Inoltre, in occasione del Salone OFF Lauree Magistrali, il Disma in collaborazione con Celonis, azienda leader in ambito Process Mining, organizza un Hackathon il 29 Maggio dalle ore 14:30 alle ore 17:30 in Aula Buzano.
Per maggiori dettagli, guarda la lezione introduttiva e l'allegato.
Per la registrazione all'Hackathon, compila il seguente form: