You will be able to work as a free-lance professional, provided that you pass the State Examination for Professional Practice (Esame di Stato) and you register in the Professional Register of Engineers. You will be able to choose from several career fields:
- MATERIALS ENGINEER, a professional who can improve existing materials and technologies or design and synthesize innovative materials and technologies. In the long term, the materials engineer can pursue a career as product/process manager and project manager;
- MATERIALS ENGINEER FOR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING, with operational and/or managerial responsibilities in product and process development, including supervisory roles in the field of research, design of innovative products/processes and optimization and sustainable transformation of established products/processes;
- RESEARCHER, in academia or research centres;
- STAFF MEMBER or FREE-LANCE PROFESSIONAL in consultancy firms or service companies.
The typical tasks are research and development of new materials, advanced design and production, innovation, planning, programming and management of complex systems, qualification and diagnostics of materials for the development and production of materials, within companies, research laboratories and public and private institutions.