Study plan

The Board of the PhD Course in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, in order to help students define their study plan, has decided to classify its training offer according to three criteria:  

  • Scientific area

coarse application fields characterizing the research areas of the students, their tutors, and the research group in which they operate. Each PhD student belongs to a unique Scientific area, based on the following definitions:

  1. DIS: all PhD students belonging to the curriculum “Dispositivi Elettronici” (“Electron Devices”) (including all students in DISAT and INFN).
  2. ELN: all PhD students in DET, associated to the academic disciplines coded ING-INF/01 (Electronics), ING-INF/02 (Electromagnetic Fields), ING-INF/04 (Systems and Control Engineering), ING-IND/31 (Electrical Engineering), and NOT registered within the curriculum “Dispositivi Elettronici” (“Electron Devices”);
  3. TLC: all PhD students in DET, associated to the academic discipline coded ING-INF/03 (Telecommunications);
  4. ELT: all PhD students in DENERG and associated to the academic disciplines coded ING-IND/31-32-33 (Electrical Engineering; Power electronic converters, electrical machines and drives; Electrical power systems);
  • Target

what PhD candidates the course is primarily offered to. Students population is subdivided into four groups: 

  1. research group: the courses of this kind are more oriented to the presentation of specialized topics of interest to students whose research activities are concerning the particular subject; 
  2. IEEC: courses which, for the subjects treated, may be followed by all students who belong to the IEEC doctoral path; 
  3. IEEC+: they are intended as courses offered to IEEC doctoral path that can be of interest for some students of other SCUDO PhD programs; 
  4. SCUDO: this category includes courses that, thanks to their multidisciplinary nature, may be attended by all students of SCUDO.
  • Approach

how the subject is presented: 

  1. methodological to provide students with both theoretical and practical operational tools; 
  2. informative aiming to provide students with the history, state of the art, and possible developments of the specific research topic.



Right after registration at the SCUDO offices, each student discusses and plans with his/her tutor the list of PhD courses (possibly including also M.Sc. courses and in exceptional cases also B.Sc. courses) that will be attended. Based on the classification above, each student will: 

  1. include in the coursework at least one course belonging to the his/her scientific area, passing the corresponding exam (mandatory)*;
  2. complete the coursework by selecting the preferred courses from the list provided by the EECE Doctorate, or from any other Doctorate program of Politecnico di Torino.

*This requirement has been removed from the Academic Board on 22th April 2024. From this date, the definition of the study plan is completely free.

It is possible to register additional credits earned from external training activities, according to the official regulations of the Doctoral School of Politecnico di Torino.  


List of available courses

In order to facilitate the preparation of individual coursework, the following table lists all courses offered by the EECE Doctorate. For each course, the table reports a tentative schedule of the months in which the course will start, and a forecast on activation during current and next academic year. 

EECE Course List 2023-2024 



The detailed course schedule is available at IEEC Course Schedule.