
Documents for students and tutors

The EECE PhD program has adopted internal rules and policies that integrate the University regulations on various specific aspects that are not specified at a centralized level. This regulation is reviewed and updated at least once a year, at the start of each cycle, after a dedicated discussion by the Academic Board. Each student and each tutor/co-tutor is required to know and comply with this regulation. The reference document is available at the link

EECE Rules

For convenience, the set of slides that were used during the XXXIX Cycle Welcome meeting (Nov 14, 2023), during which these internal rules were illustrated and explained to the Students starting their PhD on Nov 1, 2023, are available at the link EECE Welcome Meeting.

A few slides describing the final exam procedure (presented to the XXXII cycle students on 9 July 2019) are available here.


Academic Board documentation

The Academic Board members of the EECE Doctorate can access the documentation and the minutes of the Board meetings at this link. Authentication will be required using the official login credentials of your institutional Politecnico di Torino account.


EECE Poster Day

All PhD students close each academic year by presenting the state of their research during the EECE PhD Poster Day. Each student is required to prepare a poster, which is discussed during the event with colleagues, faculty members, and invited guests in a friendly and cooperative atmosphere. The poster is then evaluated by anonymous reviewers, and the results of this evaluation are considered for admission of the students to the next academic year. Some recent editions of the Poster Day have been affected by the COVID19 pandemic. Correspondingly, discussions with PhD candidates have been carried out remotely, and the posters have been replaced by short videos. Since 2020, all poster or video contributions are collected in a web site, which may be considered as an Annual Progress Report for the EECE Doctorate.

All material is available at the following links: 


PhD quality awards 2023

A rigorous selection led to the assignment of the 2023 EECE PhD quality awards, reserved to PhD candidates enrolled in the 36th cycle. Congratulations to the awardees

  • MALLEMACI Vincenzo
  • BALLATORE Maria Giulia
  • MARTINI Mauro
  • LIU Minzhou
  • CHIARION Giovanni
  • RAGAZZO Paolo
  • AMATO Angela
  • VICO Enrico

who receive a money prize of 2000 euros.

Check out all awards earned by EECE PhD Students.


Defining the schedule of EECE PhD courses (for teachers)

Starting from academic year 2019/20, definition and management of the schedule for all PhD courses of the EECE Doctorate program is centralized and delegated to the Secretary. The main objective is to minimize overlapping lectures, thus enabling all students to attend the desired classes. The guidelines that all course instructors have to follow to define the schedule of their courses are detailed in this document. For any inquiry, please send a message to