Upon completion of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Mathematics for Engineering studies, the ordinary following path is the Master's degree programme in Mathematical Engineering, which is divided into two main curricula: physical-numerical modeling and statistics and optimization on networks. The study paths offer a wide choice of subjects, ranging from modeling and simulation of physical systems to machine learning, from models in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields to those for finance. In addition to traditional topics, innovative areas such as cryptography, cryptoeconomics, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence are also covered.
Alternatively, the strength and flexibility of the training contents will allow you to pursue your education abroad if you wish. Our graduates have been successful for admissions in Master's degree programmes, after the Bachelor's degree, and PhD programmes, after the Master's degree, in many prestigious universities in Italy and abroad.
Graduates in Mathematical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino can quickly and effectively enter the labour market, which greatly appreciates the problem-solving skills acquired with a broad interdisciplinary approach that mixes mathematics and engineering, and thanks to the mastery of rigorous tools of calculation, simulation and prediction: many of your colleagues have found a job even before graduation.
The employment opportunities are extremely diverse: mechanical and aerospace industry, pharmaceutical and biomedical industry, financial services and insurance, banking, national and international regulatory and supervisory bodies, consulting - both in technology and management -, management of energy systems, software development for scientific computing and artificial intelligence, and much more.
L’esame della situazione post-laurea mostra che l'80% dei laureati e delle laureate in Matematica per l'Ingegneria del Politecnico di Torino prosegue gli studi con la Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Matematica del nostro Ateneo. Dei restanti, circa la metà prosegue con successo un percorso di laurea magistrale in Italia o all'estero e gli altri si inseriscono rapidamente ed efficacemente nel mondo del lavoro.