Students teams

During your study programme you can actively take part in various initiatives offering you the chance to strengthen your hard skills and soft skills, Student Teams are among these initiatives.
There are three Student Teams closely related to environmental engineering issues which have professors of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) as tutors:

Mi Lego al Territorio

Team Mi Lego al Territorio con una classe

Mi Lego al Territorio team members design and create LEGO ® models for educational activities aiming to inform young students on the risks resulting from natural phenomena.
By using LEGO ® bricks the team can carry out interesting and innovative educational activities.
To show the consequences of hydrogeological instability the team has created a scale model of a drainage basin, to describe seismic phenomena they have realized a unidirectional vibrating platform able to simulate an earthquake. The members of the team are also working on new models to show more specific phenomena and to improve the already existing models. Aiming to come up with a similar and affordable format, smaller and more complex models are currently being developed.

Mi Lego al Territorio has had the chance to take part in different events organized by institutions such as the Civil Protection of Piedmont and the Italian Red Cross, since safety and protection are the topics they share.

Team Direct

Drone del Team Direct

Geomatics, the discipline that studies techniques to acquire, organize and make georeferenced information available, can be helpful in areas that have been affected by catastrophic events.

On this premise is based the work of Team DIRECT – DIsaster RECovery Team, the only student team in Italy that studies geomatics to manage catastrophic events (both in the immediate and post-emergency phases) in collaboration with the national Civil Protection. The team is made up of Architecture and Engineering students with transversal skills to deal with complex and sensitive issues, such as environmental emergencies or issues regarding threatened cultural heritage.



Imbarcazione del team AKANoah

Team A.K.A.Noah, acronym for Also known as Noah, was founded at the beginning of the academic year 2019/2020, its purpose is to create a waste collection system to be equipped on a boat navigating the Po river and to make the boat suitable for environmental monitoring. By conducting analyses on water quality and by evaluating the ecological state of the fluvial environment, it will be possible to assess the health condition of the river. The samples will be analyzed on site with a raspberry Pi device and in the labs of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI).
All the field activities, in collaboration with CUS Turin canoeing and rowing center, concern the navigable section of the Po river from Moncalieri to Murazzi.
The team has also directed a short film that will be one of the tools employed to spread awareness on the need to safeguard the river ecosystem.
Since many different skills are required to develop this project, team members are drawn from multiple areas of engineering (environmental engineering, chemical engineering and materials engineering), design and architecture.