After graduation

At the end of the Bachelor’s Degree there are several career options.

Most students opt to enroll in a Master's degree programme, and specifically the Master's degree programme in Chemical and Sustainable Processes Engineering offered by Politecnico that completes the study path - here you can look at the employment statistics (source ALMALAUREA) for graduates of the Master’s degree program.

Alternatively, passing the State examination for professional practice to enrol in the Register of Engineers in the industrial class, section B ("junior" engineer). Another option is to work in a company or in public or private bodies choosing between different career opportunities:

  • Chemical Engineer - Junior Designer: knows the tools and methods for the design of basic  equipment and operating units for the chemical and food processing industries;
  • Chemical Engineer - Junior Process Engineer: knows how to manage plants, systems, processes or services in sectors related to the transformation of matter;
  • Technical Sales Officer: can assist customers in all phases of the sale of chemicals, process industry equipment and systems;
  • Laboratory Technician: works in research and development or industrial laboratories, oversees and contributes to their management and organization, exploiting his/her innovation skills.

Industrial laboratories, technical departments of the public administration in charge of industrial safety and environmental protection, consulting and design companies are other possible employers.