Sandro Rubino

Dottorato in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 31o ciclo (2015-2018)

Dottorato concluso nel 2019


High Performance Control Techniques for Multiphase eDrives (Abstract)


Iustin Radu Bojoi


Interessi di ricerca

Electric drives
Electrical machines
Induction motor drives
Motor control
Motor drives
Synchronous motor drives


Sandro Rubino (S’16, M’18) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, in 2014 and 2019, respectively. He is currently Assistant Professor with Dipartimento Energia “G. Ferraris,” Politecnico di Torino. He serves as a reviewer for some IEEE Transactions and international conferences. His main research interests include power electronics, modeling, and control of multiphase electrical machines and high-performance ac motor drives. Dr Rubino is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications on behalf of the Industrial Drive Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. He was the recipient of two paper awards from the Industrial Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society and two Ph.D. thesis awards from the IEEE Power & Energy Society Italy Chapter and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Italy Chapter, respectively.

Settore scientifico discliplinare

(Area 0009 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione)

Premi e riconoscimenti


Collegi dei Corsi di Studio


Gruppi di ricerca

Progetti di ricerca

Progetti finanziati da bandi competitivi

Progetti finanziati da contratti commerciali

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  • Alessandro Ionta. Corso in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni (ciclo 38, 2022-in corso)
  • Luisa Tolosano. Corso in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni (ciclo 37, 2021-in corso)
    Argomento della ricerca: Sviluppo di tecniche modulari per il controllo di coppia di macchine sincrone multi-trifase
    Power systems, Power converters, Electrical machines and drives
    Power systems, Power converters, Electrical machines and drives


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