Ph.D. in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 31st cycle (2015-2018)
Ph.D. obtained in 2019
High Performance Control Techniques for Multiphase eDrives (Abstract)
Iustin Radu BojoiProfile
Research interests
Sandro Rubino (S’16, M’18) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, in 2014 and 2019, respectively. He is currently Assistant Professor with Dipartimento Energia “G. Ferraris,” Politecnico di Torino. He serves as a reviewer for some IEEE Transactions and international conferences. His main research interests include power electronics, modeling, and control of multiphase electrical machines and high-performance ac motor drives. Dr Rubino is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications on behalf of the Industrial Drive Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. He was the recipient of four paper awards from the Industrial Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society and two Ph.D. thesis awards from the IEEE Power & Energy Society Italy Chapter and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Italy Chapter, respectively.
Scientific branch
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)
Awards and Honors
Collegi of the degree programmes
- Collegio di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Energetica. Componente invitato
- Collegio di Ingegneria Informatica, del Cinema e Meccatronica. Componente
- Collegio di Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale e dell'Autoveicolo. Componente
Research groups
Research projects
Projects funded by competitive calls
- TEAMING - e-powerTrain prEdictive mAintenance using physics inforMed learnING , (2023-2027) - Componente gruppo di Ricerca
UE-funded research - HE - Excellent Science - MSCA - SUPERDRIVE - Superconductive Synchronous Machine Drives for High-Power Applications , (2023-2025) - Componente gruppo di Ricerca
PNRR – Mission 4 - SEMDY - Sustainable and Efficient Motor Drive System for E-mobility Applications (SEMDY) , (2022-2025) - Responsabile Scientifico
Non-EU international research
Projects funded by commercial contracts
- Identificazione dei parametri di un motore ad induzione impiegato in applicazioni di pompe a vuoto , (2024-2024) - Responsabile Scientifico
Consulting - Contratto di ricerca tra il Politecnico (DENERG) e Fincantieri S.p.A. per la realizzazione del Progetto di Ricerca “Electric Motor Drivers Design” , (2023-2024) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - Sviluppo di una procedura di testing e relativa analisi per l’identificazione magnetica delle macchine elettriche sincrone con particolare riferimento a quelle IPM , (2023-2023) - Componente gruppo di Ricerca
Consulting - Robust Direct Flux Control (DFC) algorithms for Permanent Magnet-assisted Synchronous Reluctance-(PM-SyR) motors and Synchronous Reluctance (SyR) motors for fan drive applications , (2021-2022) - Responsabile Scientifico
Consulting - Contratto su BAndo V-IR.Controllo diretto di flusso per motori ad induzione impiegati in applicazioni di pompe a vuoto , (2021-2021) - Responsabile Scientifico
Consulting - Robust starting closed loop control for IPM synchronous motor system and self-commissioned Direct Flux Control (DFC) algorithms for Synchronous Reluctance (SynchRel) motors for fan drive applications , (2020-2021) - Responsabile Scientifico
Consulting - Testing di motori elettrici , (2020-2021) - Personale interno di riferimento
Supervised PhD students
- Nicola Macri'. Programme in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni (cycle 40, 2024-in progress)
- Alessandro Ionta. Programme in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni (cycle 38, 2022-in progress)
- Luisa Tolosano. Programme in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni (cycle 37, 2021-in progress)
Thesis: Advanced modular torque control of multiphase synchronous motor drives
Power systems, Power converters, Electrical machines and drives Power systems, Power converters, Electrical machines and drives
PoliTO co-authors
Last years publications
Publications by type
Works published during the Ph.D. View all publications in Porto@Iris
- Rubino, Sandro (2019)
High Performance Control Techniques for Multiphase eDrives. relatore: BOJOI, IUSTIN RADU; , 31. XXXI Ciclo, P.: 298
Doctoral Thesis
Society and Enterprise
Patents and other intellectual properties
Inventors: Eric Giacomo Armando Iustin Radu Bojoi Fabio Mandrile Sandro Rubino Luisa Tolosano - METODO DI CONTROLLO DI COPPIA DI MACCHINE ELETTRICHE IN CORRENTE ALTERNATA TRIFASE MEDIANTE CONTROLLO POLARE DI FLUSSO. national and international Patent
Inventors: Eric Giacomo Armando Iustin Radu Bojoi Fabio Mandrile Sandro Rubino - METODO DI CONTROLLO DI COPPIA DI MACCHINE ELETTRICHE IN CORRENTE ALTERNATA TRIFASE MEDIANTE CONTROLLO POLARE DI FLUSSO. national and international Patent
Inventors: Eric Giacomo Armando Iustin Radu Bojoi Fabio Mandrile Sandro Rubino