Unite! Alliance

Unite! Torino Dialogue 2022

Unite! is one of the first 17 European University Alliances launched to structure a European University space by enhancing cooperation in teaching, research, social impact and innovation. Unite! gathers nine universities that connect European regions with the aim of renewing European higher education.

Thanks to its main E+ project and a rich ecosystem of projects, Unite! will connect engineering, science and technology with the great challenges of society in co-creation with students, faculty and staff – providing skills for a new generation of European and global citizens.

Unite! logo

Key Activities

Unite! is committed to developing a solid offer of joint research programmes, international teaching activities and additional activities aimed at students and staff. The Alliance works thanks to shared governance, management, services, communication and monitoring models.

The process of developing this new transnational university model started in autumn 2019 with the E+ funding. Since January 2021, Unite! has started to look even further ahead taking up the challenge launched by the EC to develop, in synergy with its education dimension, a shared, integrated, long-term research and innovation (R&I) strategy thanks to its H2020 project. At the end of 2021, the Alliance, originally composed of seven partners, expanded to include two more universities.

Additional activities are also carried out through its strategic projects, such as aUPaEU, an Agora of services meant to facilitate Universities' institutional transformation, for which PoliTO coordinates communication and testing.

logo Unite E+

The E+ project, coordinated by TU Darmstadt, includes many activities:

  • For BSc and MSc students
    • Physical and virtual mobility within Unite! for all students that ranges from joint education, summer schools, and on-line courses, to new joint courses comprising a short-term mobility programme
    • Language and cultural awareness courses
  • For PhD students
    • A joint European PhD program to be developed within the Unite! doctoral school
    • Mobility within Unite!
  • For faculty and staff
    • A Faculty & Staff Training Catalogue
    • Mobility within Unite! for all staff, including thematic staff weeks
    • Teaching and Learning Academy to help professors and educators develop models for flexible study pathways and innovative pedagogies
  • For the region
    • Connection of the ecosystems of Unite! partners, aimed at offering regional actors the possibility for to form new powerful international partnerships

Thanks to its focused Student Catalogue, Unite! provides a diverse range of multidisciplinary study opportunities on technology, languages, cultures, plus several non-academic opportunities designed to enrich the students' university experience. 

The student network SURE! - Students Unite! for Representation and Empowerment is an  independent body aimed at the whole Unite! students. Its main goals are:

  • Promote sustainability and information exchange, supporting student organizations and protecting students rights
  • Defend social, economic, political, cultural students needs and their study and social status rights
  • Promote equal opportunities
  • Represent students among every Alliance body
  • Work towards equal access to university education
  • Assist and support Alliance's student organizations

A Student Liaison Officer (SLO) is available within all partner Universities to ease student access to Unite! offerings and activities: slo@polito.it. 

logo Unite H2020

Funded within the Horizon2020 programme and coordinated by PoliTO, UNITE.H2020 led the following activities:

  • Develop a common R&I 2030 agenda, emphasizing our common DNA and shared vocation to address major societal challenges;
  • Develop policies to strengthen our R&I human capital by, e.g., new career development initiatives;
  • Develop policies to share our research infrastructures (RIs) supported by, e.g., experimental tests of previously developed guidelines on a selection of Energy RIs;
  • Reinforce cooperation with non-academic R&I players by, e.g., developing a network of Grant Offices & TTOs;
  • Mainstream our comprehensive Open Science practices based on, e.g., a detailed experimental analysis on the approach of our R&I groups to OS;
  • Involve citizens, civil society and public authorities in R&I;
  • Develop relations with other Alliances for joint synergies/complementarities.

Who we are

Northern Europe: Aalto in Espoo-Helsinki (Finland) and KTH Stockholm (Sweden).

Western Europe: TU Darmstadt in Germany, coordinator of the Alliance, and Grenoble INP - UGA (France) plus and a partner at the gate to South-Eastern Europe: Graz University of Technology (Austria).

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)

Southern Europe: our Politecnico di Torino, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) and UPC Barcelona (Spain).

Unite! map

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