Summer Schools

Banner Summer School 2023

To further develop its international commitment, the Politecnico di Torino has, for some years now, widened its course catalogue in the English language, in order to embrace also Summer School programs.

PoliTo Summer Schools are designed for undergraduate and graduate students willing to take part in a life and learning experience within a multicultural environment.

A selection of innovative, engaging topics in the Engineering and Architecture fields, ranging from Key Enabling Technologies to Architectural and Urban Design, have been and will be offered to both Italian and International students.

The programs are structured as intensive courses (1 to 3 weeks) including lectures, interactive lab experiences, sites and company visits, etc. and will allow students to enrich their cultural awareness by socializing and getting in contact with people from all over the world and to improve their team working skill, through collaborative workshops and group activities.

Attending a Summer School at the Politecnico di Torino is a unique opportunity to study in one of the most prestigious technical universities in Italy and to discover Torino, a modern city full of history, art and tradition.