Update of the document approved by the Doctoral Board on 05.29.2023
Research centers / academia
- Alexis Tsoukias (LAMSADE, University of Paris Dauphine) (2)*
- Fabien Leurent – Ecole des Ponts. Direttore di ricerca presso il Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement (CIRED) (3)
- Elia Apostolopoulou, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (1)
- Samuel Kling, Chicago Council of Global Affairs (1)
- Jonathan Silver, Urban Institute – University of Sheffield (1)
- Andy Pike, Newcastle University – CURDS (2)
- Andrew Tucker, African Center for Cities (1)
- Keith Hampson, SBEnrc (2)
- Shrinat Perera, Western Sydney University (2)
Authority / institutions / associations
- Alessandra Cimadom, Comune di Torino (3)
- David Evers, Dutch Environmental Agency (2)
- Umberto Guida, UITP Union International Transports Publiques (3)
- Karen Vancluysen, POLIS cities and regions transport innovation (3)
- Henk Bouwman, Metrex Network for European Metropolitan Regions and Areas (2)
- Michele Munafò, ISPRA (2)
- Maria Rita Minciardi, ENEA (2)
- Maria Håkansson, AESOP (2)
- Kai Böhme, Spatial Foresight (2)
- Paolo Guglielminetti, PWC Italia (3)
- Marco Valle, Fondazione LINKS (2)
- Maurizio Pichierri, Hitachi Rail IT (3)
- Pasquale Capizzi, ARUP (3)
- Uli Paetzel, Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband (2)
* the number in brackets indicates the reference to the three thematic areas of the PhD:
- Urban and Regional Studies;
- Spatial Planning, Evaluation and Management;
- Technologies, Techniques and Methodologies for Sustainable Development.