This Master of Science provides training for Urban and Regional Planners, able to solve complex problems related to the current situation and the future of cities and territories: environmental sustainability, social inclusion, climate change, energy efficiency, mobility, land take reduction, preservation of landscape and environmental heritage. Planners work, in Italy or abroad, in public administrations, planning and design firms, private and consulting companies, agencies and third-sector organizations.
Our programme offers a combination of courses and multidisciplinary studios, which focus on case studies, with the aim of learning by doing how to design and implement spatial policies, strategies, programmes, plans, and projects.
The MSc has been designed and updated in collaboration with organizations representing stakeholders such as public authorities, enterprises and professionals (the Club of Institutions, Enterprises and Organizations, established in 2001). Moreover, we systematically collect feedbacks on the consistency and adequacy of the training developed by the course from the organizations which host our trainees
The programme offers two specialist tracks, called Urban and Regional Planning for ecological transition and Planning for the Global Agenda, which share the same teaching methods but have different objectives.

Both tracks follow the same didactic approach, articulated as follows:
- Single-discipline and integrated Courses, which provide systematic knowledge and analytic and critical thinking skills on the contemporary challenges on ecological transition and adaptation;
- Multidisciplinary Studios, focused on drafting planning tools at different scales, learning by doing. Here, students practice the integration of multiple disciplinary perspectives and working in group, such as in professional works. Studios last one term and lead to one exam only;
- Optional modules: on free choice by students (from 10 to 12 ECTS), possibly addressed to research interests related to the final project; courses or also activities outside of university.
The 2nd term of the II year is totally dedicated to the preparation of the final dissertation and to the traineeship (250 hours, optional).
For the thesis two options are offered: developing a research thesis (20 ECTS) or a project (10 ECTS) related to a traineeship (10 ECTS). Both the thesis and the traineeship can be developed in Italy or abroad, regardless of the track
Moreover, every year the Course organises various extra-curricular activities, optional and free of charge, such as: workshops, tours and study trips in Italy and abroad, seminars held by international experts, stakeholders meetings (lecturers, professionals, administrators, decision makers), exhibitions of works carried out by the students, thesis studios (interdisciplinary group work on case studies), online meetings with classes from other courses abroad (serious games and exchanges), etc.
Some of these activities are organised in partnership with prestigious universities abroad. You will become part of an international community of students and lecturers.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to do internships in companies and institutions or to spend periods abroad for studyng and researching.
The Master's degree programme in Territorial, Urban and Landscape Planning obtained the Quality Certificate of the Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP.
Politecnico di Torino is also a founding member of UNISCAPE, the European network of universities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, which inspires our Master's degree programme