You will have plenty of career opportunities:
You will be able to work as a freelance Territorial Planner, after passing the State Examination for Professional Practice and registering to the Association of Architects, Planners, LandscapeArchitects and Conservationists (section A).
You will be able to find a job in local and territorial authorities, professional firms, service companies, public and private agencies, research centres, in the service sector, in Italy and abroad. You can be an urban planner, a landscape planner, an expert in territorial government policies, a specialist in environmental assessment, a spatial analyst and a urban manager.
Alternatively, you can continue your academic studies with a Specializing Master’s programme (for example, “Methods and techniques for governance of resilient territories”), with a interuniversity Ph.D. programme in Urban and Regional Development or you can enrol in the Postgraduate School “Beni architettonici e Paesaggio” and choose the educational path that best suits your attitude and interests.