After graduation

At the end of the programme you can continue your studies with a 2nd level Master’s degree programme or a PhD programme.

Alternatively, you can find work as an Aerospace Engineer and choose between a variety of career fields such as:

  • Chief engineer, the professional who identifies and analyses customer requirements by developing project-based solutions;
  • System Engineer for product integration, the professional with expertise in the various components of the aircraft system that sets specifications for supplier companies;
  • Aerodynamics specialist, responsible for calculating flow properties around complex configurations in the subsonic and supersonic regimes and for determining the resultant forces;
  • Specialist in construction and aerospace structures, the professional who makes a structural analysis of complex configurations and determines the states of stress and deformation;
  • Specialist in aerospace propulsion, a member of aircraft and aerospace propulsion design teams who carries out engine tests, interprets the results and liaises with aerospace industries to integrate the propulsion system into the aircraft, rocket or satellite;
  • Specialist in flight mechanics and aircraft systems, the professional who is in charge of system design of equipment and on-board systems and is responsible for updating (upgrading) existing aircrafts by integrating them with new systems or new avionics;
  • Specialist in Astronauticsthe professional who participates in design teams of satellites, pressurized modules, space transportation systems.