The degree programme lasts three years.
In Year 1 you will take the core subjects (math, physics, chemistry, computer science), which are key for the most specific subjects of the following years. Politecnico di Torino is the sole Italian University to offer a highly technical and applied course in the first year of your studies, called Civil Engineering Laboratory, a unique occasion to start facing the common problems of civil engineering and their solutions.
During Year 2, you will study more specific subjects, such as applied geology, topography, technical drawing, statics, electrical engineering, technical physics and materials science. You will be able to choose some optional courses in line with your interests.
In Year 3, you will study the classic subjects of Civil Engineering such as structural mechanics and engineering, hydraulics and hydraulic infrastructure, geotechnics and the design of roads, railways and airports.
At the end of your study path, you will be asked to write a final project.

The programme is Italian-taught; Year 1 is also available in English.
You will be trained with an innovative teaching approach, based on "learning by doing" rather than on "studying how to do"; you will therefore be actively involved in classes dedicated to practical exercises, projects, labs and field experiences, plus company internships.
You will be able to observe and carry out directly tests and measurements with scientific and professional instrumentation duirng the civil engineering laboratory course, a key feature of Politecnico di Torino, the only one in Italy to offer this kind of course from the first year.
All labs will allow you to put into practice the theoretical concepts explained in class, for both individual courses and thesis/extracurricular activities,
You can participate in the Erasmus Program to expand your knowledge and have an experience abroad.
You will have the opportunity to do an internship in Italy or abroad within public or private institutions such as professional engineering and architecture firms, design and construction companies, public administrations, transport concession companies or other utilities, universities and research centers.