Gio 19 Ott
Seminari e Convegni

The Politics of Illegality in Italian Cities

The presentation of the book "The Politics of Illegality in Italian Cities" will be held on Thursday 19 October 2023, part of the book presentation series of the PhD programme in Urban and Regional Development (URD) - September-November 2023,
hosted by the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning - DIST of the Politecnico and Università di Torino.Abstract

The stories collected in the book “Cemento armato. La politica dell'illegalità nelle città italiane” are worthy of a novel (of a noir, detective story, or social novel, for example). They are, however, the true stories of Italian cities that, from the north to the south of the peninsula, have for decades been characterized by a variety of aspects of urban illegality: criminal infiltration in real estate development, corruption in urban planning, opaque practices in the management of municipal policies, occupations of public and private property, and squatting.

For more information contact emanuele.sciuva@polito.it