Study plan

In agreement with his tutor, the PhD student is required to present a study plan consisting of   at least 100  hours in hard skills courses/activities  and of at least 40 hours of soft skills  courses/activities,  filling  the on  line  form  for the study plan. The study plan may be subject to changes proposed by the PhD student also after the deadlines established for its presentation.  

The following types of  hard skills courses/activities may be included in the study plan of the PhD students:

a) courses specifically offered for the PhD programme in Pure and Applied Mathematics or other PhD programmes offered by the affiliated universities or other universities, including foreign universities

b) MSc courses offered by partner universities or other universities

c) reading courses

d) working group activities at the level of a PhD course

e) summer schools and similar activities.

At each course/activity grants is associated a certain number of hours. For  the hours  of  courses of types a), b) and c) the number of credits is defined by the teacher of the course. For activities of types d) and e) it is defined by the  Coordinator. In any case, activities of types d) and e) may grant no more than 30  hours. The PhD student can take courses or participate in activities of the types listed above in every year of their PhD. 

As a rule, the PhD student has to  pass with exams  a total of  140   hours of  course/activities  included in their study plan within the first two years of their PhD. The number of hours  has to be clearly indicated for the courses and activities that contribute to this threshold. For these courses and activities, the PhD student is required to pass an exam according to procedures previously defined by the teacher or the person in charge of the activity. 

Ad ogni insegnamento ed ad ogni attività di studio corrisponde un numero di ore, definiti, nei casi di corsi di tipo a), b) o c), dal titolare dell’insegnamento; nei casi d) o e) dal  Coordinatore.  Le attività di tipo working group oppure di tipo e) possono concorrere all’acquisizione di non più di  30 ore. Il Dottorando può seguire corsi o partecipare ad attività delle tipologie sopra elencate in tutti gli anni del suo percorso di studi.  

Di norma, entro i primi due anni lo studente di Dottorato  dovrà superare con esame  insegnamenti o attività inserite nel piano di studio per un totale di 140 ore. Degli insegnamenti e delle attività che concorrono all’acquisizione delle 140 ore deve essere chiaramente indicato il numero di ore.  Per tali insegnamenti e attività è richiesto il superamento di una prova finale secondo modalità preliminarmente definite dal docente o dal responsabile dell’attività.