Rossella Laurano

Ph.D. in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-chirurgiche , 32nd cycle (2016-2019)

Ph.D. obtained in 2020


Stimuli-responsive poly(ether urethane) hydrogels for the design of smart patient-specific patches in skin wound treatment (Abstract)


Valeria Chiono Monica Boffito


Research topic

Ad hoc engineered stimuli-responsive hydrogels as inks to 3D-print patient-specific wound dressings

Research interests

Micro-, meso- and nanostructured materials for advanced therapies
Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants


Rossella Laurano was born in Turin in 1989. She received her Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino in October 2012. In December 2014 she graduated with a Master’s thesis in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine field entitled “Aligned Nanofibres for the Peripheral Nervous System Regeneration: Preparation and in vitro Characterisation” (Supervisor Prof G. Ciardelli, final mark 105/110). During her Master’s thesis Rossella worked on the design of electrospun chitosan- and gelatin-based random and aligned nanofibrous membranes to investigate the influence of substrate morphology on Schwann Cells adhesion and proliferation. These activities produced 2 research papers in international peer-review journals and a research award from Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria in 2015.
In the same year, Rossella received the qualification for the profession of Industrial Engineer.

After her Master’s Degree, Rossella worked as fellowship researcher in a start-up company dealing with material processing through additive manufacturing processes. Specifically, she focused on the design and fabrication of 3D ad-hoc customised scaffolds and on their biological evaluation in the perspective of wound healing and orthopaedic applications.

From May to October 2016 Rossella worked as pre-PhD-student in the Industrial and Bioengineering group at the Politecnico di Torino under the supervision of Prof V. Chiono and Dr C. Tonda-Turo focusing on the design of naturally-derived hydrogels as bio-inks.

From November 2016 Rossella is a PhD-student in Bioengineering and Medical-Surgical Sciences (XXXII cycle) at the Politecnico di Torino under the supervision of Prof V. Chiono and Dr M. Boffito. Rossella’s research activity mainly focuses on material development and on the design of polyurethane-based hydrogels sensitive to several external stimuli (i.e. temperature and pH changes and light exposure) suitable as drug vehicles or bio-inks.

During her PhD she has been involved in an international project (H2020-NMP6-2015 - MOZART) working on the preparation of a hybrid injectable platform for the co-current release of different therapeutic agents in the treatment of chronic skin wounds and delayed bone healing. Furthermore, she has also collaborated with ERC-CoG 2017 - BIORECAR project coordinated by Prof V. Chiono, designing injectable bioartificial and in situ crosslinkable formulations as drug carriers.

Currently, these activities have produced 9 research papers (6 published, 3 submitted) in international peer reviewed journals, 1 book chapter and 15 conference proceedings. The number of citations has constantly increased over the last three years reaching a maximum of 19 citations in 2019 with an H-index = 3 (SCOPUS).

Scientific branch

IBIO-01/A - Bioengineering
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)


Collegi of the degree programmes


Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research groups

Supervised PhD students

  • Andrea Alliaud. Programme in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-chirurgiche (cycle 38, 2022-in progress)
    Research subject: Design of 3D in vitro bioengineered tissue models for cytotoxicity assessment
    Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants
    Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants
    Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants


PoliTO co-authors

Last years publications

Publications by type

Works published during the Ph.D. View all publications in Porto@Iris

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